Jumat, 20 Februari 2015

Sleep Disorders can be Helped with The Use of Essential Oils

Three-quarters of the UK population reported that they suffer with sleep problems or trouble sleeping at least a few nights each week. However, many sleep disorders can be helped with the use of essential oils.

Two of the most common problems are:

Worried about money? Concerned about an important meeting? Agonizing over the issue of the relationship? Your not the only one!

75% of women and 25% of men in the UK reported that they struggled to get to sleep. As a result, patients find their daytime affected. Problems include reduced energy levels, "melancholy", reducing concentration, reduce productivity and relationship problems.

Snoring is a problem that is interesting because it often affects family members (or people in the next hotel room) as much or even more than the snorer. A survey conducted by the British Snoring and Sleep Apnoea Association found that 54% of people have their holidays affected by snoring.

40% of men and 25% of women suffer from snoring. Snoring occurs when the tissue of the soft palate at the back of the throat relax too much. It's blocking the entrance to the throat and soft palate to vibrate the air trying to get through.

Help For Insomnia
Aromatherapy can help with insomnia. A number of different essential oils give good results for some people, including Valerian, Bergamot, Chamomile, Clary Sage, Frankincense, Jasmine, Lavender, Marjoram, Rose, Sandalwood and Ylang Ylang.

One of the first essential oils that may be considering for your aromatherapy is Lavender. Many studies have shown that lavender can help with insomnia. For example, a study at the University of Southampton found the participants reported a 20% increase in the quality of sleep of using lavender oil.

Sometimes combine oil can help. For example, Lavender combined with Roman Chamomile has been found to be very effective for many people who want more sleep.
Talk with your aromatherapy and they will help you to find the best essential oils that will help you.

Help for Snoring
Many people (and their families!) Improvement report snoring after using marjoram essential oils.
Marjoram oil relaxes the muscles and soothing. However, more than 30 different species of marjoram. One of the most likely to help you is Origanum Majorana. It is also sometimes known as sweet marjoram.

Once again, a mixture of oil may be beneficial for you and your aromatherapy may investigate the inclusion of Eucalyptus, Cedarwood, Geranium, or, of course, Lavender in the mix to try for you.

How To Use The Oil
Every oil (or mixture) should be used in different ways. Some need to gently rub on your skin. Perhaps under your nose or chest. Others will only need to close so that you breathe in the scent at night, by putting a few drops on your pillow or even just leave an open container of oil mixture on the side-table beside the bed. Ask you how aromatherapy essential oils they have been for you to use.

Please Note
Some essential oils can be powerful and can have a powerful effect. Do not use essential oils without the guidance of a qualified aromatherapy and consult with your doctor first if you are pregnant or have a medical condition.

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