Kamis, 12 Februari 2015

Benefits of Cardio Exercise

Cardio is short for cardiovascular. It is a system that is centered around the heart to carry blood that carries nutrients to various parts of the body. The proper name for this type of aerobic exercise activities, exercises that require a lot of oxygen for long periods of time. Cardio exercises are very different from the high-intensity interval training which involves very rapid movements in short bursts (30 seconds to one minute), short breaks and repeated in a cyclic pattern. Cardio done for longer periods of time with or without a break depending on individual fitness level. Activities include walking, running, cycling, swimming, and even dancing.

Benefits of Cardio Exercise
The health benefits of cardio-known and common sport is highly recommended by doctors to help alleviate a number of conditions. Benefits include:

• Circulation of blood added required for the type of exercise, your heart will become stronger and your body's ability to handle heavier activity will increase
• Muscles will get a workout and that requires energy. Burning calories will help to lose weight in the form of fat
• The release of endorphins will help combat stress, anxiety and depression
• Improve your skin
• Reduce the risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart disease

Cardio Exercise Type
Low impact - this type has a very small impact, which means placing less stress on your joints. Activities include walking, cycling, swimming, yoga and Pilates. As a general rule, this type of exercise will increase your heart rate high and is generally classified as a slow paced exercise. It is good for older people, people who are overweight or new to exercise and those recovering from injury.

High Impact - As the name suggests, you will put a strain on your body of plyometric exercises - forcing your body off the ground in a jumping motion. Activities include jogging, running, jumping and running like when aerobics class. The impact is not bad for you unless it is done improperly. Good technique is essential to avoid damage to the joints. Research has shown that it can help build bone density which can prevent or delay osteoporosis.

Details of training sessions
The American College of Sports Medicine recommends at least 30 minutes of moderate cardio exercise five days a week. If the intensity is your thing, do 20 minutes three days a week. For those who want to lose weight or improve their fitness level, 30-60 minutes of moderate to high intensity activity five days a week would be better.

To help prevent injury, always warm up with light jogging and some dynamic stretching. A cool involves light jogging and stretching will help to lower the heart rate and temperature and flush the lactic acid.

Decide how hard to exercise can be difficult but a simple formula can be used to find your training zone. The most recommended training zone is 60-85% of your maximum heart rate. To calculate your range, use 220 - your age and multiply it by 0.60 and 0.85 for the lower and upper limits. For example, the 40-year-old will have a heart rate training zone of 117-244 beats per minute.

While you are doing cardio is exercise, take your heart rate by feeling the inside of the wrist or neck for 15 seconds and multiply by 4. watches Some sports have a heart rate monitor built-in to make it easier.

Regardless of the type of cardio exercise you choose, do it regularly and in the training zone to get the maximum benefit. A good training routines paired with a very good diet will help you live longer and healthier.

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