Sabtu, 21 Februari 2015

Music for Children

What's so great about music? We all know that music can make us want to jump, dance, and tap our feet. But did you know that the music has been linked to math scores, brain development, and anxiety relief? During the critical young age learning while the brain is still developing, the impact of music on its greatest level. But even beyond the younger years, music can still play an important role, providing instruction for pre-teens, anxiety relief for adults, and even therapy for Alzheimer's patients.

Psychologists and Educators are just beginning to uncover the many benefits it provides music for our mental health. While we all may be somewhat familiar with the idea that loud and fast music makes us feel different than quiet and slow music, research shows that a predictable way that music can affect us beyond change our mood. Some studies show that we expected to change much of our mental state, and even heal damaged brain. Another study found that students with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) can improve focus, given their neurofeedback results while listening to background music.

There are many genres of music, and for students who want to benefit from the elements of motivation and learning music, the first step is to precisely align their interests with age and certain music genres. Parents and teachers know that pre-teens would not be caught listening to music that kept their attention as a toddler. But while there are many genres and songs to choose from a very young and adults, there is little choice for those who are in the middle, who could benefit greatly from the value of music education.

Music education for children can be influenced to teach values, instructional for memorizing the alphabet, for example, and the motivation to want to learn more about the topic. Some teachers play "welcoming music" as the children enter the classroom, which captures the attention and desire to learn more about the subject of the songs of their education.

Children are programmed to want to learn, and teaching approaches that work best are aligned with the natural learning process and interests of learners. Music for children is a powerful way to connect, motivate, and teach young students, in a method that is not forced, but not in line with their interests and natural desire to learn.

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