Kamis, 19 Februari 2015

Five Simple Yoga Moves for Headaches

Headaches often accompany stress. Release tension from your body through some simple yoga poses can help relieve some of your pain. Here are five simple yoga moves for headaches that you can try. Try them just a few minutes at the end of your working day 3 times a week. They will help you move a little, makes you focus on something that is good for your body, and help you to wind.

Cat Pose. Start only with hands and knees on the floor in a position table. Exhale and gather up your spine. Inhale and return to neutral table. Do this about 5 to 8 times using your breath to lead your movement. How does this help you? This helps to elongate the spine and separate your disk will be compressed when you sit for long periods of time. Compression can affect the nerves that can give you a headache.

Eagle arms. It took arm Eagle Pose and very good for relieving tension headaches. Pose also release tension shoulder with open shoulders and chest. Shoulder tension can cause tension headaches and finally the neck muscles. You can do this either standing or sitting cross-legged if you are new to yoga. Cross your left elbow on the right elbow in front of your chest. Gently try to lift the elbow toward the sky. Hold the pose for 5 to 8 breaths with left over right arm and then switch to the right of the left arm.

Pose child. This is a fundamental break yoga pose. Kneeling on the ground and sitting on your heels. Leaned forward, resting your chest on your thighs and your forehead gently on the floor. Walk your fingertips in front of your head, extending the side of your body and relax your arms on the floor. When you drop your shoulders and release your breath tension directed towards your back. This helps push the oxygen up to the neck and shoulders. Stay here as long as you want to breathe deeply and fully.

Legs up the Wall Pose. So easy; yet so powerful. Lie on the floor near the wall and rest your feet against the wall. This allows the blood collected in the legs circulating easily help reduce fatigue and anxiety. Stay here as long as you want to breathe deeply and fully.

Corpse Pose. It's usually the end of the practice of yoga poses. It is time to slow down your breathing, calm your mind and relax your whole body. Lie down with your back on the floor. Relax all your muscles by taking a deep breathe in through the nose and exhale through your mouth powerful. Do this several times until you see your muscles relaxed and your body weight lying on the floor. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Lying here as long as you want.

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