Rabu, 25 Februari 2015

Healthy Effects of Wine

Wine is one of the most popular beverage in the world. Every country in the world has its own way to make wine. It is important beverage for celebrations, events, rituals and celebrations throughout the world. Most health conscious people take wine for better digestion.

Because the taste and alcohol present in wine, many people like to drink wine. This is really good. The beneficial effects of wine can benefit obtained through the consumption of mild or moderate.

Healthy effects of wine is the subject of great debate and study. In the US, there is a significant increase of sales in the red wine. It starts from the health news reports coming from France.

French report states that there is a lower incidence of coronary heart disease in France than in the United States. It is quite surprising for a dietitian US considers that the traditional French diet has a high amount of saturated fat. Experts suggest that this could be caused by a significant consumption of wine by the French.

Studies, though, have shown a link between the consumption curve A wine and heart disease. This means that heavy drinkers and those who never drank wine has a higher chance of heart disease. However, little drinkers have a lower risk. Moderation is always the key to good health.

Another healthful effects of wine is being theorized that moderate consumption of wine can increase a person's resistance against cancer. This is especially true for red wine. There is evidence that red wine contains many polyphenols are responsible for the prevention of cancer.

Many researchers have observed that a chemical called resveratrol is responsible for the healthy effects of red wine. This chemical is naturally produced by the skin of grapes in response to fungal infection during fermentation. White wine, though, have less resveratrol in the absence of grape skins during fermentation. Resveratrol is a good cardio-protective and chemo-protective, as shown in animal experiments. In addition to these chemicals, red wine also contains antioxidants and flavonoids.

Red wine from southwest France and Sardinia, Italy has a high level of procyanidin compounds .. procyanidin help suppress the production of a peptide called endothelin-1 is responsible for constricting blood vessels.

If too much wine drunk, but alcohol consumption can have side effects. That's why people are always reminded to drink wine in moderation.

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