Senin, 04 Mei 2015

Three Skin Care for Facial Acne

One of the most common skin condition and most dreaded acne. Acne can cause you to lose faith in your ability to maintain healthy skin and clear and can be socially embarrassing. However, you can control acne by making some lifestyle changes, the habit of using a good skin care and attention to diet and exercise.

To reduce acne, you must first know what causes acne and pimples. Acne is defined as a skin eruption caused by the bacterium Propionibacterium acne or p.acne and just living in and on the skin. Factors that contribute to acne including hormonal changes, the use of illegal drugs, high stress levels, stimulants, alcohol, poor diet, unhealthy lifestyle and others. Here are three skin care for facial acne.

The first tip, certain foods make acne worse. These foods include chocolate, caffeine, nuts, spicy foods, high-fat foods, dairy products, fried foods, alcoholic beverages, foods containing iodide such as seaweed, shellfish. You should avoid these foods and include more vegetables and fruits in your diet. Do not fry your vegetables and you have to exclude fruit with very sour like lemon, lime, grapefruit and orange.

A second end, which purifies and regular cleaning will help remove excess oil on the skin surface. You need to clean your face at least twice a day and do not wash your face more than twice a day. Salicylic acid can help to curb the oily shine, stimulates the skin's natural exfoliation process and clear the bacteria from the skin. Additionally, you may apply cleansing mask twice a week to remove excess oil from your face.

Tips Third, nutritional supplements are very important for controlling acne-type skin. Add more vitamins A, B5, B3 and B6 in your daily diet as they are essential for healthy skin and clear. Zinc helps prevent scarring, tissue healing and the need for oil glands produce healthy.

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