Senin, 10 Agustus 2015

Tips for Healthy Nails

Strong nails is a sign of good health. Doing things to improve nail strength often improve overall health as well. Plus, even the nails with a chip, split or direct hangnail can cause us hours of obsession as we choose and gnaw away at it. Strong nails can help us to look and feel good. If the nail strength is your goal, these ten tips for healthy nails.

1. Give your nails to breath. Despite leaving the nail without treatment or the paint for too long can cause them to break and reverse spilled or become wavy, let them have a regular time without paint can help them look great.

2. Eating nuts. Protein is a great way to get strong nails. Try Bean Burrito at Taco Bell and watch your nails grow stronger - plus your hair will be shinier and it's good for your health in general.

3. Keep a clear coat of paint on your nails when you do not feel like doing a full manicure on. Look for something that strengthens the nails as many options available by Sally Hansen at Walgreens or SallyHansen.

4. Use nail polish remover without acetone or formaldehyde because it dries. Use acetate-based polishes instead. And if possible, do not remove the paint you more than twice a month.

5. File your nails in one direction. When your nails filed into the desired shape, try to top the main file nails in one direction.

6. Do not bite. Nails, that. Biting nails causing them to become nothing, unattractive and jagged. It usually does not have long term effects on the nail.

7. Wear rubber gloves when you work a lot in the soap and water or chemicals. This is a good way to protect.

8. Keep your nails (and yourself) a moisturizer. Apply a hand moisturizer every day (Eucerin Plus Intensive Repair Hand Crème is a great lotion that dries quickly to create a smooth hand, available at Walgreens) and massage them into your nails as well.

9. Take vitamins to increase the strength of your nails. B Vitamins Biotin is found to strengthen the horses hooves and, in a later study, the people also. Zinc is also a good way to strengthen the nails.

10. Press the nail you at your table. You know you're doing that tapping can show people you are impatient or bored? According Lady Home Journal, stimulate growth, make them stronger.

Make it Fun: Make your nails strong are also a great way to express how you feel. Choose the color of your choice, add buttons or paint initials or a message to your nails. It is a way to indulge and express as well. In order to prevent bubbles from forming in the paint feared you, roll the bottle between your palms, not shaking it. Success! Apply a base and top coat and push back your cuticles other than your current color paint to give yourself a manicure.

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