Minggu, 23 Agustus 2015

Benefits of Eating a Healthy Breakfast

A common misconception when trying to lose weight is simply eating less food will cause weight loss, strange as it sounds it's not just about eating less food. Far from it, a strict diet, a sudden burst of exercise or a drastic change of lifestyle can sometimes do more harm than good. But why is that? Surely food leads to weight gain?!

Well, your body prefers slow change rather than sudden changes in terms of diet and exercise. Notice here we mention exercise, diet alone will not do to help reduce weight. It is far more important to aim for a balanced and healthy diet that can maintain your weight loss in conjunction with an effective exercise program.

But here, we'll have a quick look at the first meal of the day, and perhaps in many respects, the most important. Breakfast!

Skipping breakfast is a common strategy for people trying to lose weight. In fact, many people feel they do not have time for breakfast and so will skip this important meal, but there are several reasons why this is not a good idea. There is much truth in the old adage that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and here are some reasons.

So tell me, what are the benefits of eating a healthy breakfast?

Eating a healthy breakfast speeds up your metabolism, which means that more calories will be burned throughout the day. In this way, eating a good healthy breakfast can actually help you to lose weight.

A good breakfast helps you to recharge or refuel store vital energy, which has been depleted overnight. Let's face it, after a good night's sleep you have been without food (and water) for several hours. You know how you will feel during the day if you are to be without food for several hours. Now a healthy breakfast is the fuel that gives us energy for the day's activities!

For many of us, perhaps because of work or a busy lifestyle, breakfast is the only meal of the day which include essential nutrients such as calcium from milk and fiber and antioxidants from whole grains. These nutrients are essential to our diet.

If you skip breakfast, you tend to make it through lunch without getting hungry. Being hungry during the day can cause eat snacks, snacks are often poor in nutritional value. Eating a good breakfast in the morning is much better for you than eating a snack before lunch.

Eating a healthy breakfast helps to improve mental performance, concentration and mood throughout the day. That's right, the food for the brain!

Perhaps the most important if you are aiming for a balanced program for weight loss, studies have shown that people who eat breakfast are more likely to maintain a healthy weight.

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