Minggu, 26 April 2015

Benefits of Beetroot

Beetroot has the most vibrant colors of betacyanin pigment source. That may be how the 'red as a beetroot' phrase appears. It is low in saturated fat and cholesterol and a good source of vitamin C, iron, magnesium, dietary fiber, folate, potassium and manganese. You can observe the harmful effects of feces and urine reddish-pink in consuming beetroot.

Here are four benefits of beetroot:

1. Reduce Blood Pressure
Beetroot has 20 times more nitrate (not to be confused with cancer-causing nitrites in processed meats such as hot dogs) that other vegetables. Nitrate assist in the production of nitric oxide. The function of nitric oxide to widen and relax blood vessels us. As many as one-third of people who have high blood pressure are unaware of their condition. They are, are in various medications to lower their blood pressure. Some take several drugs at one time, for example one to thin the blood, and another to relax blood vessels. Instead of taking pharmaceutical drugs (which usually cause side effects such as gastritis and other digestive problems), why not take a 'cure' strong that nature has given us. The best way to beetroot juice is to get the maximum benefits of phytonutrients. You should start with a quarter cup of beetroot juice and gradually increase the amount over time.

2. Protect Against Cancer
Beetroot has exceptional antioxidant properties which help in protection from cancer. The active ingredient that gives beetroot color, betacynin, has been found to reduce tumor growth by 12.5 percent. This study was conducted in patients with prostate or breast cancer. Cytotoxic effects of beetroot extract slows the growth of cancer cells. This allows more time for the treatment of the disease without it got to the stage that is fatal.

3. Clean the Liver, Kidney and Gallbladder
The betaine in beetroot removes toxins from the liver. It also helps maintain the liver and bile ducts. Not only is it known as a liver cleansing diet, also cleanse the kidneys and gallbaldder. Research has shown that natural antioxidants in beetroot, such as polyphenols and betalains, accelerate healing of the liver cells. For those who regularly enjoy drinking alcohol, taking this juice every day will help cleanse and heal your heart after a night out.

4. Prevent Spinal Cord Birth Defects (source of folic acid)
It is an excellent source of folic acid, essential for the proper growth of new cells. Women who plan to become pregnant and pregnant women are recommended by gynecologists to take folic acid supplements for protection against spinal cord birth defects such as spina bifida. Why not take beetroot as a natural way to meet this requirement? You can take on various forms of day - the juice, slice it to chew, and tossed salad. You can even cook, although the amount of folate will be less than in the raw beetroot.

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