Minggu, 01 Maret 2015

Benefits of Baking Soda

Perhaps it is not a secret anymore for us all, that the benefits of baking soda really work in the world of health and beauty. Here are some health benefits and how to use baking soda:

  • Helps Digestion
  • Improved Dental Health
  • Removing Smell Bad
  • Good and Non-toxic disinfectant and General Cleaners
  • Helps Digestion

If you have any kind of indigestion, take some baking soda to help quickly. It does the job quickly. In 15-20 minutes you will either belch or vomit. One way or another, you're just getting over the worst. Even just to settle your stomach, mix 1/8 teaspoon in warm water; stir to dissolve and drink.

Better Dental Hygiene

Whiten stained teeth. It is well known the healthy benefits of baking soda. Use it to brush your teeth (with or without toothpaste) to remove stains. You will have a healthier, shinier teeth and gums. The overall feeling of cleanliness in your mouth instantly recognizable. Brush regularly to ward off coffee and wine stains. Also, it helps to rinse your mouth when you have a sore mouth and gargle when you feel the onset of a sore throat. Using a cup of warm water you can manage and 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda. Swish or rinse as long as possible, spit out and repeat.

Removing Smell Bad

Use to eliminate bad odors. It is well known that put some baking soda in your refrigerator will keep bad smells at bay. Place a few tablespoons in an open receiver and let stand in the refrigerator. Changed every month or so. It is also good to eliminate pesky odors from all over the sink and drains. Place a few tablespoons of baking soda in hot water, stir to dissolve and pour it down the drain.

General Household Cleaners

Use as needed to clear the table, shower and sink. It is non-toxic and odorless. You do not inhale the smoke is bad and removes stains and odors that linger in the nooks and crannies. It removes surface stains as well. Try rubbing fresh stains immediately on wet carpet to absorb the worst stains immediately.

Baking soda is "bonified" cleaner, stain remover and order. It's easy to enter the baking soda and the healthy benefits in your everyday life. It's worth its salt for cleanliness, health and hygiene. Always keep the box in hand and use as needed.

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