Selasa, 31 Maret 2015

A Manicure

A manicure is a beauty treatment for the fingernails and hands. In its simplest form a manicure involves shaping and filing the nails followed by the application of nail polish.

Another type of manicure may include special treatment intended to soften hands and stimulate nail growth.

Know Your Nails
Your nails can tell a lot about the internal health of your body. Healthy nails indicate a healthy body, while the serrated; dent, plain colored or shaped nails can be a sign of poor health.

Nails protect the sensitive skin of the fingertips and toes from injury and is composed of layers of a protein called keratin.

Each nail consists of: -
o Nail plate - the hard part looks you see
o Nail folds - the skin around the frame plate on three sides
o Nail bed - the skin under the nail plate
o cuticles - overlapping tissue at the base of the nail plate
o Matrix - hidden under the cuticle area where growth takes place
o lunulae - half-moon shape at the base of the nail plate

Type Manicure
There are different types of manicure available.
During regular manicure, nails first shaped, cuticle remover or conditioner applied and then the fingertips and hands placed in warm soapy water and left to soften for about ten minutes.
Hand removed and dried before the cuticles are gently pushed back with an orange stick.
Nails are buffed from cuticle to tip and then lotion applied to the whole hand. Some manicurists will take the time to hand massage lotion.
All traces of the oil is removed before applying the paint. Poland will include a base coat followed by two or three layers of color that you choose, and then finished off with a top coat.
If you have a French manicure, nail tips are painted white and when dry the entire nail is painted with translucent shell pink polish.
A French manicure is elegant and suitable for both day and night.

Paraffin Wax Manicure
Paraffin wax is warm and hands repeatedly dipped in warm liquid until thick layer is formed. Hands are then wrapped in plastic film and covered with a towel to retain warmth.
Hands still wrapped for approximately 15 minutes. After towel, plastic and paraffin wax is removed, manicure continue in the normal way.

A paraffin wax manicure condition and moisturize the skin and useful if your hands are sick, stressed or tired, or you just feel like being pampered.

Hot Oil Manicure
Hot oil is used to soften the cuticles before cleaning and neatened. This treatment is very popular with men who are looking for a manicure and is recommended if you have very dry hands or nails.

Manicure attend a
When going for a manicure ensure that the work area is clean and that all the tools are cleaned properly. New tools such as orange sticks, emery boards and clean towels should be used.
The use of un-sterilized tools can transmit viral infection.

Regular Manicure - Keeping You Healthy Nails
Nails grow at a rate of about 0.05 to 1.2 millimeters per week and a regular manicure can keep your
nails in tip top condition.

Along with the usual manicure, high protein diet can help your nails grow stronger and healthier.
Between visits to your manicure, you can ensure the health of your nails by:

o Keep nails clean and dry - this helps to keep bacteria and other infectious organisms from collecting under the nail.
o Maintain the use of nail polish remover to a minimum because it can dry the nails and cuticles.
A manicure is healthy and will make you look the best and remember most of the people you love big nail for.

Senin, 30 Maret 2015

Healthy Vegetable Salad

The salads are some of the most easily and quickly prepared dishes that involve simple method of cooking vegetables. No matter whether you are a chef who trained or have little knowledge of cooking, you will find it easy to prepare a large salad. But while preparing this salad we should consider some basic things.

The first and foremost thing which one should understand is that the vegetables that will be used must be fresh. Buy fresh vegetables from the market itself and avoid buying too bitter, limp, wilted etc. Wash vegetables is another thing that should be monitored and safely to avoid damage to the vegetable and to make it hygienic.

There are a variety of healthy vegetable salad that will surely make you crazy about them with flavor. The range of salads such as broccoli, cucumbers, corn, carrots and cabbage are some salad vegetables mind-blowing.

Broccoli - has gained importance in the diet of every health conscious person. This is probably because it contains broccoli as its main constituents. Broccoli show the benefits of eating that does not allow you to skip from your diet. The main benefits include lowering cholesterol levels and also reduces the risk of having prostate cancer. It contains a variety of nutrients and vitamins that reduce the likelihood of colon, breast, along with bladder cancer to a minimum level.

It belongs to the family of vegetables that are rich in phytochemicals. The main constituents of raw broccoli salad or broccoli is cooled broccoli that can be obtained from steaming. It is considered as one of the best salads for your home and go if you are out for a picnic.

Cucumber Salad - is the most widely used another salad to improve his health reasons. It showed great natural cooling effect which may be the reason for regular use in salads and sandwiches. As exhibit a cooling effect, is used in cleaning the ceiling and therefore served as appetizers. It is one of the most popular and most widely used factors of salads. The most common cucumber salad made with slicing and peeling the thin preservation solution and apply. Pickling solution made from mixing sugar with vinegar in equal proportions along with water and salt. Cucumber salad with roast pork harmonious.

Carrot Raisin Salad - is one of the best salads are very popular throughout the entire world. It is famous only because both carrots and raisins are considered as rich a few vitamins and minerals such as beta-carotene and vitamin A. Raisins are also included in salads because they are iron, vitamins, calcium and potassium and several other vitamins along with vitamin B.

Cabbage Salad - regarded as one of the cheap and complete source of antioxidants. It also includes several health improving the most important constituents such as potassium and folic acid along with some vitamins such as vitamin C and B6. This salad is considered as one of the most refreshing and simple to make.

Minggu, 29 Maret 2015

Fight Depression

Depression is not just a family-threatening genetic episode, but actually organized approach that individuals develop in response to experience and specific events. Therefore, the therapist to find the root cause of depression will find that in most cases, depression is just a trend that people develop in response to different stimuli and situations regardless of their being personally or not. When people like me start thinking about the situation and jump to the wrong conclusion, they fall into a cycle of believing they are not testing their validity. The best way to treat depression because it is to challenge the false beliefs.

Medication for depression is so obvious that it might be too easy to ignore. Assuming that depression is a byproduct of the defective gene is just a way to put a stop to any possibility of recovery. Individuals who suffer from depression can easily help by encouraging them to be aware of their own behavior. This means that they should be regularly reminded that the need to challenge their own beliefs, thoughts and perceptions sets necessary for survival. It is the easiest way to explore the thoughts that cause damage to their self-esteem or hurt them in any way. Evidence of this approach proved to be of greater success psychotherapy compared with drug therapy. Patients who were given psychotherapy can learn the basic principles that help to isolate themselves from attacks in the future depressive episodes. Statistics show that psychotherapy has helped prevent the recurrence of more than fifty percent in patients compared with those who received only the drug. This fact however does not fix the importance of the drug in the treatment of depression.

In fact, all therapies including interpersonal therapy, behavioral therapy and medication works. However, depression is a complex condition that must be combated through the development of a variety of important skills. An individual must learn how to tolerate ambiguity in the different faces of life and learn to avoid negative interpretation. The art of critical thinking is also one of the most important skills to cope with depression. When talking about critical thinking for individuals who fight depression, the idea is to improve the skills that enable them to examine the evidence, donkeys and to distinguish between different things to determine if one is responsible for the same thing or not. This skill allows one to counter feelings of helplessness and guilt.

Finally, depression fight when one is able to distinguish between the things he feels and believes and those who are objectively true. In addition, the relationship between a successful relationship and a lower risk of emotional disturbance is also evident from a number of studies. It is important that people learn to communicate with others and take steps to ensure that their physical and mental health remains intact.

Sabtu, 28 Maret 2015

About Cancer

Cancer has been around for a long time and thus it would be difficult to imagine someone who has never heard of the disease. If not us, most of us have friends, acquaintances or family members who have been affected by the disease. Cancer has affected many of us either directly or indirectly and therefore, understanding the cancer becomes our responsibility. FAQ some of the most frequently asked questions about cancer, among others:

What kind of cancer?
There are four different types of cancer, namely: carcinoma, lymphoma, sarcoma, and leukemia.
Carcinoma, this is the most common type, and it is as a result of cells that includes internal and external body surfaces. Lung, colon and breast are the most affected. Sarcoma occurs from cells located in the supporting tissues. Some body-supporting tissues including bone, fat and muscle. Lymphoma is a cancer is present in the lymph nodes. Finally, leukemia associated with blood. Leukemia also affects the bone marrow.

What are the signs and symptoms of cancer?
The signs and symptoms depend on the location of the cancer. Some of the signs of the most common and common symptoms of this disease include weight loss, fever, fatigue, abnormal bleeding, pain and skin changes. Some skin changes seen is that the skin appear darker, turns yellow and the eyes follow it, a condition known as jaundice and skin reddening.

How can one detect and diagnose cancer?
Detect the disease at an early stage can affect the growth and results for some types of cancer. Whenever detected, the doctor determines the type, how fast it grows and the preventive measures. Find it in the early stages can lower a person's risk of death. Therefore, improving methods for early detection is a priority for doctors and cancer researchers.

How you can prevent cancer?
There are several well-known methods reduce the risk of this disease. Some of these methods include; avoiding the use of tobacco and its products, avoid sunburns, eating right, engage in exercise, avoid or cut the amount of alcohol you consume and avoid contact with materials that can cause cancer.

How is cancer treated?
Several treatment methods exist. They include radiation therapy, surgery, chemotherapy, and biologic therapy in the case of some types of cancer. Having people with cancer visit the doctor, he may talk with you about the treatments available. Your choice of treatment will depend on the type of cancer present in your body.

Jumat, 27 Maret 2015

Herbs and Spices for Health Benefits

You know that herbs and spices make the food taste. Use it to flavor foods without added salt, sugar, and fat. Using herbs and spices allows you to meet today's dietary guidelines. It gives you more reasons to season and spice up your taste and health.

Emerging evidence suggests that herbs and spices have phytonutrients which can really help to maintain health and prevent disease. Spices and herbs are derived from plants. They contain the same properties of fruits and vegetables. They are rich in antioxidant levels comparable to fruits and vegetables and is included in many of today's popular "super food."

Look carefully and note that ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon contains antioxidants that many ½ cup raspberries, strawberries or, or ½ cup pomegranate juice. USDA database included Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) of the antioxidant levels of certain herbs and spices. When spices and dried herbs they become more concentrated source of natural antioxidants.

Antioxidants are incredible powerhouses in our bodies. Studies show they provide a variety of benefits, including supporting the immune system. They also may play a role in reducing inflammation, which is increasingly recognized as the first step in many chronic diseases.

Serving Size ORAC
Cinnamon, ground 1 tsp 6956
Pomegranate juice 8 oz 5853
Blueberries ½ cup 4843
Cranberries ½ cup 4792
Oregano, dried 1 tsp 3602
Milk Chocolate 1 bar 3595
Turmeric, ground 1 tsp 3504
Cinnamon, ground ½ tsp 3478
Raspberries ½ cup 3002
Strawberries ½ cup 2969
Sweet cherries ½ cup 2322
Oregano, dried ½ tsp 1801
Turmeric, ground ½ tsp 1752
Asparagus ½ cup 1441
Almonds 1 oz 1263
Red cabbage ½ cup 1002
Curry powder 1 tsp 970
Red Grapes ½ cup 951
Kiwifruit 1 medium 670
Green pepper ½ cup 688
Broccoli ½ cup 620
Sweet red pepper ½ cup 589
Ginger, ground 1 tsp 519
Curry powder ½ tsp 485
Spinach 1 cup 455
Thyme 1 tsp 407
Carrots 1 medium 406
Eggplant ½ cup chopped 383
Paprika 1 tsp 376
Rosemary 1 tsp 364
Ginger, ground ½ tsp 259
Tomatoes ½ cup chopped 330
Cantaloupe ½ cup chopped 250

Thyme ½ tsp 204

Herbs and spices are edible and can replace the salt and fat to enhance the flavor of foods without adding a lot of calories. They help prevent the risk of such diseases; hypertension, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, heart disease and some types of cancer. At least they can wake up your taste-bud experience new flavors.

Kamis, 26 Maret 2015

Steps to Clean Up your Emotional

Before you were born into this life, you create karmic lesson plan you want to learn while here. If you grow as a spiritual being, you need to examine the lessons of your plan so that you can move forward. It is the nature of the universe to give more opportunities to learn your life lessons. Consistently attract the same type of experience or relationship in your life is a perfect example of this. It's a bit unfortunate that the best lessons learned in stressful situations or negative. If you find yourself having a strong, negative emotions, here are some steps you can take to clear negative emotions and lessons learned at the same time.

1. Allow yourself to fully feel and express emotions you experience
Often, your first response to strong emotions is to press for fear of what others might think or because you have been taught that it is wrong to express themselves. Before you can really let go and clean up negative emotions, you have to immerse yourself in it and really feel it. By recognizing and giving recognition to what you feel, you are giving yourself permission to release it.

2. Ask yourself why you reacted so strongly
When talking about Shadow, Dr. Carl Jung said that things are not like the others are things you do not like in yourself. If others trigger strong negative emotional response in you, look inside to find out why. This step requires absolute honesty with yourself and the answer may not always be something that you want to see. What characteristics about yourself that are reflected on the cause of your reaction?

3. Responsible for the feelings and lessons
When you consistently triggered by the same type of person or situation, there is a lesson that should be learned. If you are really honest with ourselves in step 2, you have to know what the lesson is that you need to learn before you can release emotions. In order to learn a lesson, you need to take responsibility for your feelings and trigger. There is only one person in the world who are responsible for emotions and reactions, and it is you. When you take full responsibility for yourself, you empower yourself to let go of what no longer serves you.

4. Remove the emotion
Close your eyes and inhale deeply, then exhale slowly and let the negative emotional energy to dissolve and disappear. Cut the rope from the emotional attachment and let it go. Visualizing your left and float off into the Universe, or sink into the earth to turn into positive energy. Sit in peace and quiet that get rid of all the negativity. Now you should be able to reflect on the lessons that engage with a more detached manner so that you can absorb better.

5. Install energy
After releasing all negative emotions, you need to replace it with something else. Allow yourself to be filled with unconditional love for yourself, acceptance of all the parts of yourself, and gratitude for the lessons learned successfully. Feel Divine Light and Love fill all of yourself.

Whenever you find yourself in a situation or with someone who triggers a negative emotional response in you, through the steps to clean up your emotional. Each time you successfully learn a lesson and release emotions with it, you raise your vibration. As your energy lift, you will feel more and more positive, and will be triggered less and less frequent. You will also find that you are less affected by stress and that you live a quieter and more peaceful.

Rabu, 25 Maret 2015

Cedarwood Essential Oils for Emotions

What emotions come to you when you think of a rich aroma of your grandmother's cedar chest? Cedarwood is heirloom scents and memories. Wood itself is famous for refusing decay. It is used in decks, fence posts, and what it needs to survive against all types of wet, rotten, and bad weather. During the Great Depression, when he could not find a job, my father took the cart into the hills and cut cedar posts to sell as fence posts farmers and ranchers.

Cedarwood has been used in American native Indian ceremonies to improve and promote communion with the spirit of courage against all odds.

Like all green oil, cedarwood essential oils increase the feeling of security and protection. This scent is used by aromatherapists to calm anger and ease nervous tension. It calms the mind chatter, will repeat the same details and choice ad nauseum. It encourages strong determination and emotional stability, even against the opposition constantly.

I recommend using cedarwood when you get into a situation that is strange or foreign. It has been proven effective for those suffering from ADHD.

I like to think of cedarwood essential oil as a powerful oil to break up phlegm and congestion not only in the physical body, but also the congestion that may disrupt our thoughts and emotions.

Cedarwood is excellent for meditation and clarity of mind. It reduces tension and promotes restful sleep.

Dilute half and half by mixing vegetable oil and apply it on foot or body. It is also a wonderful aroma to spread. It fills the house with memories cherished heirloom.

Due to dissolve mucus, cedarwood useful for chest infections, asthma, and cough. It also sooths and heals the skin, especially the scalp. Cedarwood is often used for dandruff, hair loss, and psoriasis.
Cedarwood essential oil helps with lymphatic drainage and stimulate the breakdown of fats in the network. It is rather a diuretic, helps somewhat with cellulite and water retention. Into oil decongestant, astringent, and anti-microbial, cedarwood very helpful in all respiratory tract infections and urinary tract.

Use it as an insect repellent around spices and food. It is not only antiseptic and antifungal properties, but also substance. It not only stimulates the circulatory system but calms the nervous system at the same time-a rare and powerful combination.

Cedarwood essential oil steam distilled from the bark of cedar wildcrafted.

CAUTION: Pregnant women should avoid the use of essential oils of Cedarwood.

Selasa, 24 Maret 2015

Plantar Fasciitis

You have a lot of foot tendons, fibrous tissue, bone, and muscle. Plantar fasciitis occurs when fibrous tissue that connects your toes to your heel bone to become irritated and inflamed. Pain can occur after sitting or lying down for a long time and can come on suddenly. The pain is usually sharp (most people describe it as a sharp pain) and eased slightly as you move around. Pain may recur if you stand on your feet for a long time, or if you once again sit for long periods of time and then get up to walk.

Anatomy of the Foot

To understand plantar fasciitis is important to understand the anatomy of the foot. Your feet are very similar to the structure of your hand. Bones, tendons, and muscles are connected and maintained by blood vessels. Fibrous tissue and tendons provide flexibility your feet and help you keep your balance while walking.

A long fibrous tissue that connects to the toes and extending from the bottom of your foot and connects to your heel bone. It is this network, the plantar fascia acts as a shock absorber and supports the arch of your foot, which becomes inflamed when plantar fasciitis.


Usually runners and people who carry extra weight complaining of pain of plantar fasciitis. This is because the additional stress placed on the feet and fibrous tissue. If left untreated small tears in the plantar fascia can occur causing more pain and damage. Repetitive stretching can also cause the condition. Age is also another factor. Most cases occur in people aged between 40 and 60. The specific activities put you at greater risk, such as running, aerobic dance, and ballet dancing. People with flat feet or high arches are also at greater risk as well as people who work in jobs that require you to be on your feet for long periods of time.


You may get help from the rest and NSAIDs that help reduce pain and inflammation such as Advil or Motrin. Naproxen, Alleve, also used to help reduce inflammation. Physical therapy aims to stretch the plantar fascia and strengthen the muscles of the lower leg can be prescribed by your doctor. Your doctor may also recommend a night splints that help stretch the calf and arch of your foot while you sleep. Custom fitted orthotics or over the counter heel cup can also help to provide relief.

If the pain is severe the doctor may also inject steroids into the area to provide relief from pain. Repeated use of steroid injections are not recommended because it can weaken the fibrous tissue and cause it to rupture. Chronic plantar fasciitis can be treated with extracorporeal shock wave therapy. This therapy directs sound waves to the heel of your foot to help promote healing. Care must be taken with this type of therapy because it can cause swelling, pain, numbness and tingling, or bruising. In operation causes a very heavy to remove the fibrous tissue of the heel bone may be required, but this treatment is very rarely used.

If you experience sudden stabbing and heel pain after sitting for a while ask your doctor about the possibility of plantar fasciitis. There are treatments to help relieve the pain and irritation and get you back to your day to day activities.

Senin, 23 Maret 2015

Between Milk and Weight Loss

If we believe the dairy industry, dairy and weight loss go together like Christmas and candy. But these claims are fact or fiction? Magazines everywhere display glamorous images of celebrities such as Glenn Close, Mariska Hargitay Sheryl Crow and Brooke Shields, looked tempting and beautiful ... and all because of dairy products.

Scientific studies, as reviewed in the prestigious journal, "Nutrition Reviews", suggest otherwise. After reviewing 49 research papers on the relationship of milk weight Nutrition Reviews reports:

* 41 of the 49 studies showed no relationship at all between milk and weight loss.
* Two analyzes showed that the consumption of milk and dairy products was associated with an increase, not decrease, the weight ...
* The other six establish a correlation between milk and lose weight ... but they are paid for by none other than the American Dairy Association ...

There are eight reasons to worry about love America with dairy products:

1. Milk products all contain lactose, the sugar that is very concentrated. Sugar and weight problems ... need we say more?
2. The sugar lactose delicious buffet for all parasites, mycotoxins, microforms and other nasties that thrive in our digestive system and colon, we stop us from digestion and steal vitamins and minerals that should be used for health dazzling. Which is less efficient digestion, the more difficult to lose weight - and keep it off.
3. Milk - and all animal products - which is very acidic. This creates acidic human lymph and blood, and how the body protects the organs of these acid-bath is with around each organ invaluable with fat. Dr. Robert Young expressly stated that the fat we literally preserve our lives! The solution, obviously, is to eliminate toxins from our body if we really want to be thin.
4. This problem increases when we eat "dairy products", not 'just' milk, because it requires 10 pounds of milk to produce one pound of hard cheese, 12 pounds of milk to produce one pound of ice cream and 21 pounds of milk to make one pound of butter . If the milk sour, imagine the toxic results even more concentrated acid!
5. plastic milk containers that you take in the store that has been boiled at a temperature of 160 degrees Celsius. It massacred most of the enzymes in milk - we should have to enzyme digestion. Care to guess where undigested food and beverages stored? As the fat on your body!
6. Dairy Association suggestion "24:24", which means three glasses, or 24 ounces of milk every day. That's 300 calories that can be used for food, which is more than satisfactory for most dieters than drinking.
7. The romantic image of contented cows grazing in the pasture is not a reality today. In contrast, cows that are fed grains, especially soybeans, rather than grass. This leads to approximately three times larger than cattle production ever give. Unfortunately, the cow is no longer strong and can not live without antibiotics continuously. These antibiotics, of course, the supply of milk and antibiotics does nothing good for our health or our weight.
8. Did you know that milk contains blood and pus from the poor animals. Nice thought.
The belief that milk and weight loss is a natural ally is just propaganda. Beautiful cow's milk is well - for baby cows. It will not help people to lose weight and no doubt harm our bodies.

Minggu, 22 Maret 2015

Causes of Tension-Type Headache or Heavy

People do not realize that their head is very heavy. In fact, many people do not realize that the head of the child may be 25% of their total height. Obviously, a high percentage of children change when the child reaches adulthood. However, the head still accounts for 10 to 14 lbs. of the total weight.

Head can be a lot of weight and neck should equally be conditioned in order to withstand the weight. Body understand this innate and compensate by creating a natural curve to the neck which helps lend balance of strength and function. It also means that any change in this balance can damage anyway. The neck is very vulnerable to whiplash injury and other trauma. Although popular for people to tell you to have a straight neck, it's not really a good thing for you to do often. The term for this is "military" neck.

A person may begin to develop a type of neck when they use the keyboard or electronic media devices often. Head pushed forward and the muscles of the back of the neck compensation to equalize the weight as best they could under the circumstances. Neck muscles are like other muscles. They were exhausted and they also need a break. Unfortunately, many of us are required to work at a computer for long periods of time. The neck can be very tight, have seizures, or just generally sick. The tightness and pain a person feels in their heads is because of the tension and effort that the muscles of the back of the neck has been experienced throughout the day. Feeling generally called tension-type headache and happens more often than people realize.

Neck and shoulders often work together as a group of muscles, therefore, the shoulder muscles may also be tight. If posture is not corrected, then the body will adjust to demand and make other changes to compensate. A person can develop a rounded back as a consequence. Round back stretches the nerves that can mean a lot of pain to the person. Posture has been known to make the spine to suffer through something called degeneration. Disk from behind into thin.

Problems can be detected using x-ray machine and posture examination of both sides of their body. If the head is forward, then it means that the body is stretching the ligaments that can be very detrimental to people from time to time.

However, we have yet to find a pill that improved posture. In fact, by using a pill to mask the pain from poor posture is a bad idea. Pain is usually a signal that something else is wrong. If a person can not feel the pain, then they can not steer a professional to the source of pain. Several types of pills also have side effects such as bleeding of the stomach and kidney damage when taken for long periods of time.

It is important to note that there can be other causes of tension-type headache or heavy person may feel at the end of their day. There are some rare disease that makes my head hurt. It is even possible that high blood pressure is a cause of tension-type headache. Proper diagnosis of the problem is what is needed to ensure that the treatment program would be effective. Doctors of chiropractic have knowledge of the problems of the spine which is known to cause this kind of pain or headache. They are also aware of a rare disease that causes similar symptoms in patients.

Disclaimer: This information should be substituted for medical advice or chiropractic. Any and all health problems, decisions, and actions must be done through the advice and the advice of a health professional who is familiar with your medical history updated.

Sabtu, 21 Maret 2015

Healthy Bread Recipes with Bananas

Healthy bread recipes with bananas that is gaining popularity these days among lovers of tropical fruits. The good news about this is that they do not have to compromise their health while enjoying the luxury of their dreams baked. If you are one of these fanatics, here are some ideas cake that can help you make delicious pastries from healthy fruits.

Stay Away From Flour Regular

Plain flour commonly used in baking unfriendly to those who weight conscious. If you want low-carb dough and sugar, use flour made from wheat. Grain growth is another option that you can utilize. Those who run the protein-rich diet typically go to the wheat grow healthy recipes banana them as rich in Lysine and some amino acids.

Use Alternative Sweeteners

Replace white sugar with artificial sweeteners or alternatives would be very useful not only those who have weight problems, but also those who are immortal Diabetes. While banana bread may require a good amount of sugar to make it sweet and tasty, you can always give a rich flavor without using regular sugar.

Use Skim Milk

Milk is an important ingredient in baking bread and pastries. Bakers usually choose the full-cream without realizing that it could cause unnecessary fat in the waist area we. Make practice to use low-fat milk or skim milk When do recipes with bananas. This type of milk was able to add that creamy taste minus the fat.

Now that you already know how to modify the necessary ingredients in your banana bread recipe, here are two variations that you can try. Both can give you the nutrients you need while enjoying delicious cakes.

Banana Bread With Nuts - This is perfect for those who have a desire for bread crisp. Along with the usual ingredients, you can add nuts of your choice in your dough. Could be pecans, almonds or walnuts. Once baked, you can also top your bread with peanut shavings to make it crispy. Because nuts are rich in vitamin E and other essential acids and oils, you may wish to assist in the removal of toxins in your body.

Banana Bread With Zucchini - This recipe encourage vegetable lovers crazy. By dropping thin slices or small zucchini into your dough, you can experience the exciting flavors and textures of vegetables in your mouth when you chew your favorite bread. A nutritious fruit paired with nutritious vegetables. What more could you ask for? Both are large supplier of magnesium, phosphorus and potassium. Pastries include them ideal for athletes who need to be in difficult conditions.

There are more healthy recipes with bananas that you can try. With a little research and creativity, you can always enjoy a delicious snack that is easy to make and good for your health as well.

Jumat, 20 Maret 2015

Personal Training Programs

Our health is something we have ignored from a long time. Since the Industrial Revolution and the mechanization of the work we have become increasingly sedentary in our lifestyle. Some even say that the advent of computers and the explosion of mobile phones, which allows us to stay connected to work 24/7, is the last nail in the coffin of life of our health.

But it is not so. Even with the discovery and technological innovation, people should remember that it is still possible to stay healthy, although the pace of work can make people forget sometimes though.

Fatigue from overwork also resulted in people who started sleeping on the job. In some places in the world people are actually encouraged to do so for a while, so as to regain their productivity. Customs such as "Inemuri", or "sleep while this", actually so unusual that someone would not reprimand, but in fact praised, because the implication is that the people who have worked so hard to sleep that they could not get back to sleep at home. This habit also has an equivalent called "mittagsschlaf", or literally, "noon to sleep", indicates that it is not limited to a single geographic location or a particular culture, but in fact is a universal problem.

People who work sitting in front of computers suffer from problems such as Computer Vision Syndrome, which affects vision, among a number of other issues such as e-thrombosis, which can arise from sitting in one place for too long. Other health problems can arise from moving between different offices, which have different temperatures. This problem is even more pronounced in tropical countries where people can work in an air-conditioned environment cold for hours, and then go out for lunch where they will start sweating in the sun, and then immediately went back office.

To overcome these problems, many companies have taken to hire a personal trainer to help their employees. The reason being is that if they can improve the health of their employees they can then increase the output and also the quality of work as well, reducing absenteeism and reduce stress and anxiety in the workplace.

Though a personal trainer can be expensive, finally waking up to the fact that the employer of an employee sleeping at work does not mean he is working very hard, but he ignores the basic and vital functions that rob energy, concentration and alertness necessary trait for any company to function properly.

It has now become popular for employers to have a personal trainer to come to work and have employees doing some exercise during the lunch break to help them improve their health. Health and fitness studios are now being formed to have an attractive package for corporate offices that employers can take advantage of. And because the growing number of corporate offices there are a number of health professionals who offer personal training programs like.

Kamis, 19 Maret 2015

Main Ingredient is The Public Health

Many health teachers focus on one aspect of health and called it the "key" to health. Perhaps diet, exercise, detox, breathing, positive attitude, or meditation. We can all agree that all of the things that contribute to a healthy lifestyle, but Roseto Effect perhaps most important of all.

What Roseto Effect?
In 1960, a group of Italian immigrants settled in Roseto, PA. When they are shunned by their English and Welsh neighbors, they create an isolated community that maintained close their traditional customs. People smoke and drink alcohol to leave. They do a tiring job at the mine. Can not afford the olive oil from their homeland, the women use lard to cook and eat food that would make a cardiologist cringe. However, in spite of what we refer to as "an unhealthy lifestyle," they have half the rate of heart attacks as the rest of the country. Moreover, they do not have a crime and some recipients of public assistance. Why?

What researchers found was that the main ingredient is the public health. Feel secure in your role in society, to have people who care about warm around, stay connected with their parents, have a stable routine, and feel supported is a better predictor of longevity and happiness of low cholesterol or if you smoke. It seems that the food and the adrenaline is not the only way to maintain and stimulate the mind and body. Nurture healthy relationships.

If you want to add another dimension to your health regimen, here are some changes you can make now.
  • Get revoked. Have special hours or days when you commit to not use the internet at all.
  • Get face time. Communicate face to face as much as possible with the people you care about and want to have a close relationship with. Forget the phone call. Forget email. Sit and look at each other.
  • Sharing laughter. If you have something funny or good happens in your life, share.
  • Provide support. If you have the time or talent to share, give it to someone who will appreciate it. Begin with your own family. If they are not nearby, check out the charity. They are always looking for volunteers.
  • Ask for help. Americans are so conditioned to be a self-starter and achievement can we forget to ask for help. Let someone else to be there for you. Relationship of giving and receiving.
  • Dinner at the table with someone you care about. How many times we ate at our table, in the street, or alone in front of the television? Stop! It is the behavior of human conduct, not a Human Being. Do you want to live or just get through it?
  • Pursuing productivity than material success. Those who find it a rewarding experience a greater sense of control, more resistant, and feel more satisfied with life than those who do not have it. This does not mean you can not have both. It's a matter of focus.
  • For Yourself. How many times have we heard the crowd is a lonely place? Social beings instead of just being in the presence of others. It's about sharing your true self. When you see, hear, understand, and accepted, you bloom.
  • Be careful. Part of what makes loneliness and separation is when you are not present. Stop thinking about what you have to say next. Stop thinking about what you need to do later. Stop thinking about what happened last week. Just to be where you are right now.
  • Accept others without judging. If you want to be accepted as you are, you have to be willing to do the same for others.

Rabu, 18 Maret 2015

Tips and Recipes to Make Glowing Skin

Now do not need to see the longing in glowing skin models in the pages of magazines and to feel angry about what nature gave you. Here are a few tips and recipes to make glowing skin.

Destroyed cucumber and milk, wheat and honey with yogurt, and honey with lemon and olive oil all make beautiful packaging for the face, neck and shoulders. Lactic acid in milk, along with enzymes in yogurt serving, for a little flaky skin (which helps to get rid of the top layer of skin to expose the skin glowing under).

Applying olive oil to the skin is a great way to moisturize the skin without clogging pores. Honey is antiseptic and will help to ward off the plague, while the cucumber will help to soothe the skin. Overall, the ingredients in three packs of this beauty will soften the skin and tighten besides giving you a glowing skin that you will want to show off!

Make a paste of mashed avocado with a little olive oil. Avocado is very good for the skin because of the oil-rich. Naturally glowing skin is only possible if the skin has enough moisture. Amla (also known as Emblica officinalis or Indian gooseberry), aloe vera, and other herbs like neem has also been shown to be very helpful in promoting skin glow.

Naturally achieve a more radiant look to your skin not only help with applying a paste, ointment and mask your face! It also includes having a healthy diet that not only improve the quality of your skin, but ensure beautiful skin and stop the breakout of spots and acne!

Drink lots of water and fresh fruit juices. Even a cup of carrot juice and milk will help supply your body the nutrients it needs to have a glowing skin. Eat plenty of green vegetables include zucchini, celery, asparagus and spinach! They have a lot of healthful antioxidant qualities, which also helps detoxify your skin look radiant gain.

Being healthy in helping your skin look radiant outside. Also, it is easy to see how the combination of skin nourishing nutrition and skin care with natural ingredients not only a more gentle approach to skin care, but also softer in your pocket.

How to Improve The Appetite Naturally and Safely

Proper nutrition is one of the most important aspects of a healthy and happy person. Here are 5 tips on how to improve the appetite naturally and safely.

1. Plan your diet and food for the week. Write down what you will eat and then supplies the kitchen and fridge. Cooking is actually really fun! So choose some fun and healthy recipes to try. If you do not have much time in the day to cook, make two or more servings when you cook and freeze the rest for later or another day. You will be surprised how much to eat new foods, exciting and tasty will increase appetite. Do not forget to get out and about with friends and family, socializing and keeping busy will also significantly increase your appetite.

2. Exercise regularly. Not only will exercise improves mood and sense of well-being, it will stimulate and increase appetite. Make sure you include plenty of protein in your diet. Try healthy protein shake after every workout. If you are not into the gym or sports, pop in your favorite album and go for speed run every day for 30 minutes. Make it fun and try to beat your distance everyday.

3. Get a good sleep and / or nap. If you are tired in the afternoon, you tend to prepare dinner that could easily be a much-needed 1/3 of your daily calories. Make sure you get your 8 hours of sleep, and if you need to take one or two during the day, 15-30 minutes or 1.5 hours (full sleep cycle). This not only will increase your appetite, but it provides enough energy to prepare food.

4. Do not drink while eating. Drinking too much before and during the meal will fill you up and decrease appetite. If you also drink while eating, drinks will dilute your stomach acid makes digestion less effective. Sip a glass of water during the meal and 30 minutes after.

5. Try to eat 4-5 small meals a day. You will keep your energy steady and increasing appetite by eating less at a time. Try this: breakfast, juice, lunch, salad, dinner, snack. Fruits and vegetables with sauce also a great healthy snack!

Try these tips to improve appetite, and remember, your health should be the most important thing in your life.

Senin, 16 Maret 2015

Healthy Breakfast Recipes Quick and Easy

Looking for a healthy breakfast recipes quick and easy? While most people have heard that breakfast is the most important meal of today, there are still many who do not take the time to eat breakfast in the morning. If you skip breakfast on a regular basis, you may be familiar with a mild headache and weakness attacks that occurred in the middle of the morning. The reason this happens is because you do not eat breakfast.

Why Breakfast So Important?

So why breakfast is so important anyway? When you sleep at night, you will for about eight hours without water or eating. This means you are a little dehydrated when you wake up, and your blood sugar may be on the low side as well. For this reason, you do not have a lot of energy. However, it's time to rush around and get ready for your day, so you skip meals. When you skip breakfast, you continue to let your body stays hydrated and your blood sugar can dip more throughout the day. Then you end up feeling awful and very hungry at a later date. In many cases, it is easy to overeat later because you feel so hungry.

Cereals are outside

Some cereals can be a great choice for a quick and healthy start to your day. Of course, you need to avoid high-sugar cereals. Wheat varieties pack of fiber and protein make a great choice. Be sure to read the label, though - many so-called "healthy" cereals are packed with sugar.

Many people, though, do not like cereal in the morning. The good news is that there are a lot of quick and healthy recipes other that you can use for a great breakfast. If cold cereal is not your thing, consider warm oatmeal or cream of wheat for breakfast. Make your own oatmeal from scratch does not take more time than using an "instant" oatmeal flavor package - and it's much cheaper and healthier. Add some fruit and milk and you have a wonderfully delicious breakfast that does not take too much time to make.

Quick Breakfast Options

If you have a really busy morning, you might need some breakfast recipes are easy to make and quick. One great idea is to make preparations for your breakfast the night before. Make breakfast casserole. On the day when you have some extra time, make a big batch of pancakes or waffles.
Freeze them. Later in the week, all you have to do is pop them in the toaster for a quick and delicious breakfast. Or prepare a healthy batch of bran muffins at the beginning of the week and enjoy it throughout the week without any hassle.

More Breakfast Ideas

There are many quick and healthy breakfast recipes other large that you can try in the morning as well. Consider boiled eggs, poached eggs or maybe toad in the hole. A quick omelet with vegetables is a great option. Smoothies can be a wonderful breakfast option. Mix yogurt and fruit together, blend in a blender, and you can drink anywhere for a healthy breakfast. Fruit and cheese make a well-rounded breakfast food that you can throw the bag and take with you on trips.

Consider non-traditional food for breakfast, too. How a piece of leftover pizza? A bowl of lentil soup? Some rice pudding? There are no rules here. Every healthy food that seems to appeal to you in the morning was very good breakfast food!

Minggu, 15 Maret 2015

Acrylamide in French Fries

French fries, ironically, is one of the most valuable foods in America. Americans eat them with almost any main course. In many situations, such as snack bars and sporting events, they eat in and of themselves. Unfortunately this favorite finger foods can be harmful to human health, but not for the typical reasons that might think.

It is already known that a fair amount of salt and cooking oil deep that many restaurants cook fries in not conducive to nutritious food, but what many people do not realize is that there are other dangers that lurk in the very molecules made fries.

The harmful compounds known as Acrylamide. It is formed when molecules in the fries quickly heated in a dry environment through frying (although liquid oil, containing a little water), baking, and roasting.

According to the FDA, "Acrylamide has been shown to cause cancer in animals in studies where they are exposed to chemicals at very high doses. Acrylamide has also been shown to cause nerve damage in people who have been exposed to very high levels in the workplace."

While this dose is not sufficiently comparable to the dose that can receive acrylamide in French fries, still worrying that carcinogens may appear in the food consumed so often.

The FDA is not sure how Acrylamide is formed in the food, and has launched an investigation of the chemical.

The government has found that, "[it] has been found in the high-carbohydrate foods cooked at high temperatures Recent research by scientists in the United States, Canada, Australia, England, and Switzerland showed that a diet rich in certain amino acids, which are known as asparagine, Acrylamide and glucose can form when cooked at high temperatures. "

Acrylamide is not new or unknown chemicals in America. In fact, many water treatment plants use to bind the polymer to make polyacrylamide, which is non-toxic according to the FDA. Unfortunately, the number of Acrylamide traces can still be found. The FDA, however, asserted that the small amounts of Acrylamide really dangerous.

What can people do to save their favorite finger foods? A groundbreaking study published by SCI Journal of Medicine may have found an answer that is quite conventional: microwave.

It has been confirmed by several researchers peer who microwaved fries or other high carbohydrate foods for a short time before actually cooking them, significantly reduce the presence of acrylamide.
Publication Science Daily reported that, "the application of microwave before frying produces a marked reduction in acrylamide levels in the surface region," was tested in detail at different temperatures, "When the potato strips were subjected to frying after a microwave pre -cooking step, the content of acrylamide in potato whole path reduced by 36%, 41% and 60% for frying 150, 170 and 190 degrees Celsius, respectively. "

This study applies to potato chips, baked potato, steak fries, and potato skins. All of this demonstrates the benefits of the reduction of acrylamide after the microwave for a short time.

Scientists are not entirely sure why this is happening. They speculated that the microwave radiation interfere with the chemical reaction that will eventually form the acrylamide.

Dr Koray Palazoglu, of the University of Mersin, Turkey, and lead author of the study said, "microwave fries before cooking takes little time and in fact, microwave pre-cooked samples fried to the same degree of cooking appeared to have a more acceptable [color], may because the softer heat treatment they experienced during frying, "

Many restaurants around the world have been caught in this study, and agreed to start the microwave fries them for a small amount of time before the frying them. It really can save their time, and give them a better end product.

One should make sure to check with if their favorite restaurants and places to eat have heard about this study, and if they are planning to implement the plan will be pre-microwave. If the food service does not know about this study, they may be called Science Daily or FDA. Both of these sources will have more detailed information about how long to microwave fries, and what settings to use.

Notice: The article is based on research and citations are provided in the body. I am not a doctor or Scientist. For more information please contact the FDA or ask your doctor about acrylamide.

Sabtu, 14 Maret 2015

The Physical Effects of Sleep Deprivation

The effects of sleep deprivation is more psychological than those who are physically. But this does not mean that one should not focus on the physical effects of sleep deprivation. It's quite the contrary, the same amount of attention should be spent on this is also because the physical aspect is the first indication that a person suffering from some sort of sleep disorder.

So what are the effects of this medical condition, where others will be able to see and recognize easily? There are a number of physical effects of sleep deprivation can be seen directly, but usually the main consequences will involve the movement of the hands and erratic behavior on the part of the lack of sleep; Additional effects may include problems in focusing the eyes and even increased sensitivity to pain.

Changes in body weight in people who lack sleep are also included in the physical effects of sleep deprivation. People who sleep less than six hours of sleep a day have a tendency to gain weight than those who get a full night's rest. This is due to the fact that the amount and quality of sleep that people may get eventually affect their hormone levels in a way that is detrimental.

It is a fact widely known and accepted that some physiological processes depend on the levels of these hormones to function properly. Appetite is one process that is influenced by hormone levels. Both the hormones leptin and ghrelin are affected are those. Leptin is one that affects a person's feeling of fullness and satisfaction after every meal. Ghrelin on the other hand stimulate the appetite. That being said, when people suffer from lack of sleep, leptin levels fall and ghrelin levels rise. This then leads to the main physical effects insomnia condition - weight.

Jumat, 13 Maret 2015

Effects of Sleep Deprivation

In modern times, people are getting busier and busier because they have more responsibility to meet and their lives changed dramatically. It seems there are more and more things to be done so that some people actually tend to ignore their sleep. They prioritize their work or pleasure on their beds and a vicious cycle begins that eventually run out of control.

Here is a prime example of the problem. Someone focused on their work too much. They burn the midnight oil, and even sleep in the office just out of convenience. The same thing applies to the enjoyment or exercise of their time. They develop addicted to watching television or playing video games. They talk on the phone constantly and they never really sit back and enjoy some peace and quiet. It can last for weeks until the person who will be tired, scolded by their boss or teacher to stay up late or start to get sleepy at the wrong time. This can lead to sleep deprivation if the right amount of sleep is never met. If something is not done and the problem gets worse, it could cause more severe effects.

There are several effects of sleep deprivation: from mild to severe. By checking this effect, you can determine whether your lack of sleep. One common and immediate effects of sleep deprivation is that you still feel sleepy after a normal night sleep and you tend to go to bed earlier than usual to get back on track with the amount of your loss of sleep. This is only the initial conditions but, if you do not get the song, it evolved into a bigger problem.

People who are behind often can prevent yourself from getting back to sleep by drinking too much coffee or stay awake late in front of the TV. It is usually something around you that keep you awake late. For example, a teenager told how he sleeps at three in the morning, wake up at seven, and when he wanted to sleep early to make up for lost sleep, he failed to do so because there is a concert held near his home! He could hear the band playing and could not sleep! Because he liked what they play, he just lived by listening and then finds himself ill the next night.

There is a common misconception that missing just one hour of sleep every night will have no effect on the activity during the next day. It is still far from reality. This is definitely not OK to continue sleeping less every night for even just one hour. You will eventually develop a "sleep debt" which is the accumulation of much needed sleep lost. Time sleep debt will continue to pile up and you will have to make up for it even if you are only about one hour of sleep per day. If the accumulated sleep debt, you can develop a problem during the day your performance, thinking, temperament or all of the above.

It is certainly true that lack of sleep can affect the performance or motor skills during the day. You
may get drowsy and you may not be able to concentrate when you are sleep deprived. Driving while tired in the United States resulted in a high prevalence of motor vehicle accidents. This comes to about 100,000 accidents per year according to the Administration of the National Highway Traffic Safety!

Driving at night or in the afternoon is much more risky than in the morning because it was dark. This is because your biological clock, which controls sleep, will make you feel sleepy when it is dark than when the light. Drowsiness make your reaction time is slower than usual and weaken vigilance and ability to make good judgments. The decline in motor function will also affect your performance at work.

This is not only a good thing to be deprived of sleep. You may have a lot of bad consequences that you never thought of. In fact, we must balance our lifestyle with our sleep so that the work and the pleasure of having a reasonable amount of time and is not an excessive amount. Sleep is an important part of our daily routine and we have to take the time to sleep so as to give our bodies what they are so totally worth it!

Kamis, 12 Maret 2015

Lose Weight with Fast Food

We have seen how you can gain weight by eating fast food, but what about the ends of the spectrum? Can you lose weight with fast food? Yes: We think that the main options in terms of: What job should I take? Who should I marry? Every choice we make our move to one or the other way. This is a small selection that we make the days that determines the kind of life we ​​live and finally, the type of health we enjoy.

Food is essential for life to make energy. If your body is a temple, you will not put any poison or poisonous in it. You will think carefully and choose the extraordinary diligence what you put into it. Your body is given to you so that you can make careful choices about what you put into it. You really are what you eat. The middle section you can lean cuts of beef or roll pale. You can ass shaped like onions or bunion. What do you swallow to have an impact that can increase or decrease the year of your life. Fortunately, you have the power to pick and choose what foods will fuel your body.

Eating healthy does not mean you have to deprive yourself of food quickly. Just look at all the healthy choices every time you eat on the run. Even McDonald had a salad that you can order with LOW FAT dressing. Fast food rules for fast weight loss is to order grilled food and hold the mayonnaise. You can do this at any fast food outlet.

Now even the grocery store has a lot of fast food options. They offer fresh salads, fruits and vegetables. Or you can buy cooked sliced ​​lean roast beef, or turkey and ask them to pack in 4 oz servings. This eliminates the need to work servings of meat. Couple that with a fresh crisp salad and low cal dressing and you eat. If you have a craving for potatoes, prick a few holes in your potato and place it in your microwave for 5 minutes. It is fast and economical. Just remember to stay away from butter and sour cream. If you really must have butter or sour cream, make sure you get a low-fat, read the label and stick to the portion sizes. Think about every choice of food will enhance your awareness and give you the healthy benefits that you want.

Another part is to get the weight off through exercise. If you have looked in the mirror and scream, Oh no, I do not want people to see me in shorts, but wants to look hot for swimsuit season or cruise you have your eye on; try the DVD in the comfort of your own home or even some DVDs so you do not get bored. One pound of fat is a whopping 3,500 calories. You need to burn 3500 through exercise and eating low-calorie food choices to burn one pound of fat. It's definitely worth it. Dr. Oz on Oprah stated, "You can live 20 years longer just by eating right and exercising." So go and enjoy the spring and summer.

Rabu, 11 Maret 2015

Lipstick can Make you Sick?

If you wear lipstick, chances are pretty good that you never considered the possibility that the lipstick can make you sick? To be honest, for most people will not. But for others, those who suffer from gluten allergy or celiac disease, it very well could be.

Did you know that lipstick generally include gluten between materials? I was not until I began to research the food and items that contain gluten. Gluten, which is known among bakers because of its ability to give the bread its chewy texture, is also great in the binding material. Therefore, many cosmetics contain gluten.

While it may not be a big problem if it contains gluten eye shadow, lipstick is a completely different thing for one simple reason. Lipstick can be swallowed. And not just lipstick. Lip balm, lip glosses, lip liner or even all may contain gluten.

People who are either allergic to gluten or celiac disease need to be aware of this. Although people do not eat lipstick, the fact that it is applied to the lips means that trace amounts can be swallowed. Trace amounts may be all that is necessary for the body to have a reaction to gluten.

Not only women need to be aware of this. Men do it too. Men may not wear lipstick (well, at least), but they may kiss the woman who did. Alternatively, they can wear lip balm. Men who live gluten-free needs to make sure the women in their lives, or their own personal lip products, will not cause them to potential health problems.

Reading material for your favorite lip product is a good place to start. Look for references to wheat, because wheat contains gluten. But this may not be enough, or not possible (when was the last time you see a list of ingredients in lipstick tube?). If you do not know whether lip products contain gluten, contact the manufacturer, and hopefully they will be able to provide you with the information you are looking for.

If you find a lipstick that is gluten-free, it is a good idea to buy more than one at a time. This will ensure that you have a spare tube, in terms of consumables. Unless you live in a big city (and maybe not even then), you may have a hard time finding gluten-free lipstick, so having a backup will keep your lips moist and beautiful.

Selasa, 10 Maret 2015

Using Makeup - between Appearance and Health

Reading through the vast amount of literature available on makeup, now and again you will find an article denouncing the surface of makeup as bad for your skin. Reasons vary from chemicals to clog pores. While the reason for the "natural" seems plausible, many struggle between ideas of health and what they see in the mirror in the au natural state. f you are one of those who fought between appearance and health, you can relax a little. Using makeup does not have to be a one way path to self-destruction.

The first well-known reasons given for not wearing makeup is that many are loaded with ingredients that are not healthy. Many are, but there are also many that are now made with only safe ingredients. The best of these is that they are not tested on animals. Think about it. If a product being tested on animals, you automatically have a red light. If the ingredients are safe in the first place, no need to torture our neighbors to ensure that it will not harm us. While I strongly support this makeups because of my devotion to issues of animal rights, it only makes sense to use a product that is known to be harmful in the first place. Why would anyone want to take a risk like that? Always use products that do not need testing to determine their safety.

Of course, security products are not the only health problems connected with the people see wearing makeup.

Makeup include skin cells and into the pores making it difficult for the skin to breathe. There is no getting around that one, however, there are times that the actual makeup on your skin layer can have several benefits. If you are going to areas such as large cities where the air is polluted, your skin will get a layer of pollution. You can check out the fact that by washing your skin well before going to the city. As soon as you get home soak a rag with some hydrogen peroxide and wipe face and neck with it. Look at the color of dirt coming from your skin. Dirt no black soot, it is brown. It is a safe bet, however, that the residue on your lap black soot.

Black residue on your lap is soot from the city's air and loaded with toxins. This poison coat and clog your pores like a layer of makeup will do, but not as well-chosen makeup, they can damage the skin and body. While it is your duty to protect your skin from these toxins, is far from a bad idea to protect your skin from them. Putting makeup on the skin layer will provide a layer of protection for your cells and keep toxins out of your pores. Eventually these toxins will leak through, but makeup buy you some time and protection until you can wash them. It is still a good idea to clean your skin and pores thoroughly as soon as possible.

If you go to areas that are not widely contaminated, it is still a good idea to go without makeup and let your skin get some fresh air and sunshine. By that I do not mean you have to slather your skin with sunscreen. Some sunblocks will clog pores as easily as pollution and makeup, but sunblock is not good for your skin at any level whether it just sits on the skin or absorb into it. Many sunblocks have ingredients that are much more dangerous than any material in makeups. Not only do you dowsing your skin with carcinogenic toxins when you use them, you also inhibit your body's ability to produce vitamin D. This vitamin is important not only for the health of the skin, but the lack of it has been found to be the culprit in the development of eleven different cancers and other diseases overpass and disease. Sunblock also go the extra step to inhibit the body's natural production of melatonin, which can lead to a new array of health nightmare for you. So what do you do if your skin is sensitive to burning?

Take a good makeup base with you when you go out. For use in outdoor recreation you will want to choose a foundation that has zinc oxide in it. If you can not find one, you can make your own sun block to mix your foundation with zinc oxide. Make your own sunblock in this method will allow you to avoid damage from the sun without the clown face painted that zinc oxide itself can produce. That's probably not the look you want to achieve on the date to go hiking.

Let your skin get some sunshine so that your body can produce vitamin D and melatonin. You'll want at least a half hour of natural sunlight before you put anything on it to protect it from burning. Give your skin a lot of time to breath naturally as possible before applying the foundation for it but never let your skin burn. Combustion causes great damage to the skin no matter what you do or do not do to protect it. Make sure you put a good coat of foundation on each affected skin areas and the possibility to burn. If you find that the foundation that you are using is not working properly, you may want to look for others who do a better job for you.

There are times that it's better to go without makeup and let your skin breath naturally. Even world-class model did not "paint up" on a full-time schedule. Sometimes only a layer of mascara can enhance your appearance enough that you can feel comfortable not wearing a coat foundation for just a quick trip out of the house or visit with friends. A quick analysis of the environment you are going to will give you an idea of ​​whether it's better to go natural or with a layer of makeup on your face. It is a wise idea to spend some time every day without, but if you have chosen your product well and diligently clean them and give your skin time to breathe there is no reason why you can not "paint the barn if it needs painting".

Diabetes in Their 50s

Physical victims diabetes taking body really scary. Since about one person in four in the United States have diabetes or pre-diabetes condition should cause everyone to take note of this disease is really terrible. Worse is that diabetes among people under 20 skyrocketed. But in this article we will discuss other effects that diabetes has a horrible, especially as we age, and it's toll on our brains that have diabetes.

A diabetic conditions can cause cognitive decline significantly. Memory loss and a higher risk of dementia can be caused by diabetes, and it is said that the brain will be the age of about five years earlier than usual. People who are diagnosed with diabetes in their 50s have a big risk for mental decline by the time they reach 70. So, if someone really wants to keep the brain healthy during their retirement years, it is necessary to maintain a good diet and exercise program at least when You 50. But it should be important to make it a habit long before that.

The reason for this is quite simple. Damage to the small blood vessels in the brain causing this decline in memory, and it is triggered by diabetes. Other contributors are hypertension, smoking, lack of exercise and poor eating habits. This is not always the case, but people with type II diabetes are usually obese or overweight. Obesity in the United States and especially among children is growing at an alarming rate. It is also interesting to note that this tends to be the highest of the poor, and most poor people usually eat a diet high in processed foods.

So what do people do if they find themselves in a state of diabetes or pre-diabetes? Treating type II diabetes with insulin is a normal response, but for some people just can irritating fundamental problem. Many people can control their condition with diet modification and exercise program-obeyed. As with any condition to manage the changes in diet and exercise will always be better than with drugs, although they do not offer quick-fixes the medical community seems to always be looking for.

A rather large study found that both men and women with pre-diabetic conditions that make lifestyle changes in exercise and diet were 40% less likely to progress to full diabetic condition within one year. They lose weight and have a drop in blood sugar levels, and these factors put them on the right track to health. Put A doctor should always be sought in a situation like this, but it might be a good idea to consult with a doctor that is less prone to eject the drug as a cure-all for everything.

Another factor that may reduce brain health is a diet heavy in fructose. As the liver to process and convert fructose into fat, inhibit the ability of the liver to produce cholesterol, which is an important building block needed for optimal brain function. Not only should we eliminate processed foods but there is growing evidence that drastically limit the sugar of fructose consumption is important for maintaining mental health.

Minggu, 08 Maret 2015

Permanent Hair Removal

Living in a world where image and high self-esteem is very important, people are actively looking for permanent hair removal to eradicate once and for all unwanted hair. As a result, the trend of hair removal has been growing in popularity. A wide variety of hair removal products and systems are being sought by the clients of women and men and also by increasing the transgender community.

Laser and IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) are two options are quite suitable when targeting a larger area with black hair growth. Being a newer technology they were first launched with a claim to offer permanent hair removal, but as a result of this treatment can not be predicted because they have their limitations because it targets the melanin in the hair. Results can Distinguishing between 85% -95% hair reduction, and because of that and other features of Laser and IPL, the FDA allows them to claim the offer hair 'reduction' only permanent.

Electrolysis on the other hand, can treat all types of hair, even the white and gray in color, and also can safely treat all skin tones. For example, a qualified beauty therapist with training electrolysis will be able to work with clients from different ethnic backgrounds and treat hair growth in all areas, including the hair around the eye region. Since its introduction it has grown to be more comfortable and safe for practitioners and clients. Protection, such as glasses are not needed during treatment, just gloves for sanitation purposes. Electrolysis has been used for over 130 years and is still the only permanent hair removal solution.

There are various types of electrolysis: Short Wave Diathermy, also known as thermolysis, Galvanic (Direct Current) and methods Blend, which is a combination of thermolysis and Galvanic. All these methods further weaken the hair to eliminate hair growth. Therefore, remove hair permanently has been a fact for a long time and electrolysis is the only method that offers a solution.

Electrolysis is the treatment offered in beauty salons and clinics where clients will receive advice and expert opinion on issues that they have, such as the growth of unwanted hair. Many skin conditions and lesions, such as skin tags, thread veins, various warts, ilia, blood spots and verrucas can also be successfully and safely treated using advanced electrolysis technique. It is important to note that people who want to receive the procedure should contact a professional with a recognized qualification and licensing electrolysis to ensure they take full advantage of the possibilities offered by electrolysis.

Sabtu, 07 Maret 2015

Leukemia - Cancer of The Blood Cells

Leukemia is a cancer of the blood cells. In leukemia, bone marrow began to make many abnormal white blood cells (leukemia cells). These cells are not normal numbers of healthy cells gradually cause anemia, bleeding and infection. The exact cause of leukemia is not known but risk factors have been identified. leukemia are grouped into how quickly spread disease (acute or chronic) and where blood cells are affected ((lymphocytes or myelocytes).

TYPES of leukemia
  • Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML).
It mainly affects adults. It affects cells myleoid and usually grow slowly at first. Have little or no symptoms in the early stages. It is usually diagnosed in the chronic stage when treatment is very effective for most people.
  • Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)
This kind almost never affects children. It is found in people over 55 years. It affects lymphoid cells and grow slowly. It is the adult form of the most common chronic leukemia. You may feel good for years and do not require any treatment.
  • Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL)
Most common type of leukemia in children although adults may get it. It affects lymphoid cells and grows very fast
  • Acute myelogenous leukemia (AML)
It is the most common type of acute leukemia in adults. It affects children as well. Grow rapidly and affect cells myleoid.

*There is also a rare type of leukemia such as hairy cell leukemia

  • Smoke
  • This increases the risk of AML.
  • Last chemotherapy or radiation for another cancer makes you a high risk candidate for this cancer.
  • Exposure to high levels of radiation.
These high levels of radiation exposure greatly increases your chances of getting this disease. for example a nuclear bomb accidents increase this high level of radiation.
  • Family history.
If your family member has been diagnosed with leukemia, you have a high risk of getting it too.
  • Exposure to chemicals
Exposure to chemicals such as benzene can cause AML. Benzene is used widely in the chemical industry and is found in gasoline and cigarette smoke.
  • Genetic disorders.
Genetic or inherited disorders such as Down syndrome increases your risk.
  • Blood disorder myelodysplastic syndrome and certain other blood disorders increase the risk of AML.
  • Human T-cell leukemia virus type I (HTLV-I): increase the risk of a rare type of leukemia T-cell leukemia-called adults.

Treatment is based on many factors such as the type of leukemia, the overall health and age.
  • Chemotherapy
This is the main form of treatment for leukemia. Drugs that are used to kill cancer cells. You may have a pill or an injection into your vein depends on the type of leukemia you have.
  • Radiation Therapy
X-rays or other high-energy rays are used to destroy leukemia cells and stop their growth.
  • Stem cell transplantation
The purpose of this type of procedure is to destroy the cells in your bone marrow, including the leukemia cells and replace it with a normal healthy cells. .

Jumat, 06 Maret 2015

Contact Lenses for Healthy Eyes

Contact lenses have so many advantages over glasses that more and more people turn to them. In the past contact lenses were hard and uncomfortable. But, times have changed. Modern contacts have become comfortable to wear, easy to care for and affordable. And everybody can find lenses suitable for his or her individual needs.

Contact lenses for healthy eyes

There are several important contact lens rules that every wearer should follow. You need to clean them with a special cleaning solution that is not only water, and never wear your lenses overnight unless they are specifically designed for extended (several days) wear. Your eyes need oxygen, so the lens does not have to be stored in the eyes of the entire 24 hours, it is best to take them off after 10 hours of wear. Lack of oxygen can cause serious eye infections, and blood vessels in the eyes may swell due to lack of oxygen. This swelling can cause permanent eye problems. So it is very important to clean your contacts regularly, and let the rest of your eyes while you sleep.

Humidity is also very important for the health of your eyes. Modern contact lenses help to retain essential moisture in the eye. However, some contact lens wearers experience dryness in their eyes, especially when looking at a computer screen or working in air-conditioned places. If this is the case, ask your doctor to switch you to a lens designed specifically for drying eyes and retain moisture better than others. Two examples are O2Optix lenses by Ciba Vision and Acuvue Oasys by Johnson and Johnson. Also there are a lot of eye drops to moisturize your eyes while wearing contact lenses.

Contact type

You can find several types of contact lenses on the market. Traditional lens can be used for a long time with regular cleaning and daytime only use. You can use this lens for about 6 months. Disposable lenses are the most popular these days are thinner and therefore more comfortable, but they are more easily torn. They are made to last for one or two weeks and then replaced with a new, clean pair. Disposable contacts are cheaper, than ancient. You can even get in contact daily disposable that you wear for a day and throw in the evening. It illuminates cleaning and storing problems at all. Many doctors consider daily disposable contact lenses healthy choice for contact lens wearers.

There are also color contact lenses that can have prescription powers or serve cosmetic purposes only. Now everyone can have blue eyes, green or amethyst. Also for parties and clubs you can get costume contact lenses, such as cat eyes or red vampire eyes. This lens is a must have for Halloween party.

You can get your contact lenses from an eye doctor or optometrist's office, or to save money, take your prescription to Target or Walmart stores. For more saving and convenience you can order your contact lenses online. To find the best online contact lens retailers look at review sites, this way you can be sure that you order from a company that is reliable and valid.

Contact lenses can be fun and comfortable to wear. Make sure that you follow your doctor's instructions to clean them and replace your lenses with a new partner when it is time for it to go.