Jumat, 31 Juli 2015

Have White Skin like The Koreans

If you want to have white skin like the Koreans, who needed are six steps to help you get that perfect look.

1. Use the products belong to the same line.

A Korean skin care have at least ten steps. Among these are cleaning, exfoliating and moisturizing and sun protection and targeted instruments. If you want to have whiter skin, make sure that you use the entire line to have a faster, better results. If you have a mixture of different product lines, the results may not come up to par with what you want.

2. Practice proper cleaning.

If you want to have a glowing skin white, the first thing you should learn is the right way for cleaning. By this, we mean able to determine the appropriate cleanser that strips your skin of impurities and harmful residues from the environment without causing dry skin.

Try to find a formula of oxygen that comes with pearl essence because this promotes better absorption of subsequent bleaching creams and serums that you will apply after washing.

3. Apply the toner.

Korean words are used for the lotion, but basically perform the same task: to clean what is left in your skin thoroughly and conditions for the next set of concentrated care to come. Simply pour a few drops of toner on a cotton ball and you're ready!

4. Employ serum.

Compared with your regular moisturizer, serum stronger. To 250% more concentrated, assist in providing a more formulations in the cell. This goes to say that it can also be used as a corrector of places to lighten dark pigment face.

Go for whitening serum that comes with a high-level GenActiv because they can help in the capture cycle of skin melanin to create whiter and even in tone.

5. Use a moisturizer.

If you ever want to have a glowing skin like that of a Korean woman, use a moisturizer. For perfect skin and no fat, using a gel formulation that is equipped with alpine rose extracts because they not only reduce dull skin, they lock in moisture as well.

6. Apply BB Cream Finish.

Korean skin care regimen to equip them with the BB cream massage. Buy one that comes with SPF for whitening. Because they also provide even and sheer scope, they are ideal for skin with red spots or dark. For a perfect view, just apply a light coating on moisturizing your skin.

Kamis, 30 Juli 2015

List of Internet Disruption

Internet. The world is in a single click. Not sure about something? Google. Can not remember the name Manis you met at the club? Facebook a friend. Life can not get any easier with internet access. Internet is virtual God and everyone adored it. But too much of anything is never a good thing. Pathological Internet use has been reported to have caused depression and here is a list of internet disruption can bring to us.

1. Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD)

Orderliness and perfectionism control the mind of someone suffering from OCPD. Everything should be organized and in the pattern. When individuals with OCPD can not set the pattern to decide something, it can consume a lot of time to make a decision. They are irritable, such as for example, when the restaurant provides poor service, they can get a sense angry. On the Internet, these people most likely to be a Grammar Nazi, for example, when they see a man who posted a comment using the 'you' instead of 'you’re', they will go ballistic and start bashing the poor.

2. Munchausen Syndrome

Sympathy-thirsty. Some people may feel annoyed with people who suffer from this syndrome, but if it is not treated, it can be serious. Munchausen Syndrome is a disorder in which the affected people create a lie to pretend sympathy and concern for them. Some people are diagnosed with the disorder have shared their stories of how they created some Facebook profiles say they suffer from this type of cancer only to public sympathy.

3. Internet Asperger Syndrome

When it is quiet, polite kid sitting in the back of the class you got the back of the monitor and is equipped with a set of keyboard started cursing like sailors on internet forums; well, he can come down with the syndrome. Trolling, because most people would call it, act like cheering on someone who is thinking about suicide or mock a girl with low self-esteem just because.

4. online Intermittent Explosive Disorder

These behavioral disorders are often seen through uncontrollable rage. I do not say the type of anger where you flip over the table. This disorder mad crazy where you do not just flip the seat more, you flip over the whole buffet table. A person suffering from this disorder will flip out on even the smallest of things.

5. Low Frustration Tolerance Forum

Now this is something that most people can relate (or at least I can), say you have posted a picture of your favorite granola bar for breakfast the title of 'leading a healthy life!' Sure enough images as feasible. You begin to refresh the news you eat every three minute wait like or comment. That's what it's like for patients, getting anxious over their thread started on the forum or update status on Facebook.

Rabu, 29 Juli 2015

Benefits of Yogurt

Yogurt is known as the most famous foods with probiotics, good bacteria. In addition to the many benefits found in such low-fat yogurt and low-lactose source of mineral calcium, yogurt contains lactic acid bacteria such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium family members. These include bacteria to produce lactic acid that gives a sour taste typical of yogurt.

Typically, Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus have become a culture that is used in making yogurt. Yogurt become probiotics when starter cultures are used to ferment milk into yogurt that is allowed to continue living in the finished product. These days, some manufacturers have included extra yogurt during processing to improve the quality of its probiotic. The most frequent are the bacterial culture including Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus reuteri and Bifidobacterium bifidum. These bacteria are considered to be probiotics because they are able to survive through the stomach into the gastro-intestinal system.

Probiotics can promote and improve the digestion of certain nutrients in the human body. This is very useful. Sometimes large pieces of food will pass through the human body, penetrating abdominal wall where 70% of our immune system is located. Generally, when the food passes through our intestines it is broken down and the immune system we choose whether nutritional or foe. If the nutrition we process it and use it as energy and absorb the nutritional values. If it is an enemy of our immune system is fighting it. On the occasion of our immune system will get confused and think that nutrition is an enemy, it will be against nutritional wasting energy of our immune system. Hyper immune system can cause autoimmune diseases and allergies.

Yogurt Type:

Yogurt is produced in more choices these days. Organic, non-fat or low-fat, spoon-free, lightweight, full-fat yogurt and yogurt-style drinks are several options.

Low Fat Yogurt. It is made from low-fat milk. It is relatively high in sugar, however, especially when laden with fruit-flavored syrup.

Full Fat Yogurt. It is best for children who need a healthy proportion of body fat is good in their diet to support the development of their minds. Soy yogurt and goat's milk yoghurt is also available for the lactose intolerant.

Organic yogurt. Has a naturally sweet taste and tender that can be enjoyed without added sweeteners. Healthy grains such as wheat, rice quinoa make ideal accompaniments for organic yoghurt.

Benefits of Yogurt:

• The consumption of yoghurt has been known to have various benefits on human health.
• Reducing the Candida infection or fungal infection
• Boost the immune system
• Protecting against cancer intestinal tract and colon tumors
• Reduce the possibility of abdominal infection
• Improved digestion

Advantages eat yogurt regularly has been proven true in most individuals. However, they still can cause mild adverse reactions to others. Some people have reported gas or abdominal pain due to the intake of probiotic yogurt. Also, frequent intake can lead to over-stimulation of the immune system which is why some doctors recommend these products for newborns and older people with serious health problems.

Selasa, 28 Juli 2015

Healthy Snack Alternatives

There is something about putting food in our mouths all the time that regularly leads to obesity. The truth is there is a healthy snack alternatives for you, and will help you to shed pounds. Pretzel sticks come in a choice of sizes and even with several different flavors making them one of the best meals breaks you can snack during the day. They are low in calories and they also do not have a large number that extra sugar you'll find in most other food break. Also a small salted pretzels that can help you curve your desire to taste.

If you eat a bag of pretzels a day then that is certainly not healthy. If you are looking to solve something in between meals to help curve your appetite then this can satisfy your appetite. Another good thing to notice about pretzels is an indisputable fact that they are crispy. Low cal pretzel sticks in one place, but it certainly can help you burn one or two additional calories in the procedure. The next time you are looking to meet one of your appetite pain trying to grab a bag of pretzels instead of a bag of potato chips. Low cal snack is great and if you plan to lose a pound. A dietitian would be your recommendations to have four or five small meals a day on where to eat 2 or 3 times the weight of the day.

Fave break your fat-free may only be obtained from your nearest grocery store. You can also learn how to make your favorite breaks in your kitchen only. You will use only a small quantity to go easy on the fat. You may feel full even without eating more calories than 2100-300. For the fat-free night's rest, you can add sliced ​​carrots to your tomato soup. Diet good rest is a medium-sized apple is eaten with slices of cheese. Puff finger food is not only liked by the baby but also by people watching their weight.

So, now you have a few options when you're grabbing that unhealthy food. Think about pretzels or whipping something healthy and quick in the kitchen. Remember, you may satisfy the desire for now but sooner or later, you will regret eating greasy snacks while you are at the doctor's office! That is for sure.

Senin, 27 Juli 2015

Fruit Salad or Strawberry Cake?

It's amazing how one thing can be used to serve two very different purposes. This is what I find so surprising about strawberries. It's the most beautiful natural fruit can on the one hand is used to make a delicious and healthy fruit salad, while on the other hand is transformed into a strawberry cake. One that is good for you and others not so much. Of course, this is due to the different additives.

Fruit salad is one healthy snack known to man. It of course can vary depending on who prepares it, but it always has one thing in common: it consists of fruits. And they cut, to boot. You can buy them in small packages to send with your children to school, or you can go all the way up the stairs and have Emeril himself make you a salad that will knock your socks off. It will be a fruit salad fit for a king.

Then we have the strawberry cake. What is it made of? Who knows. Grandma had a prescription while others have completely conflicting prescriptions. Of course they both be good because this is just a kind of dessert. Prepared in the kitchen but served on a plate. I am sure you will enjoy it with reckless abandon as soon as there is nothing around. I could eat a whole one of these yourself in about an hour if you let me. In fact, why do not you let me think you at the time you make one?

The point is that so many health come from the entire recipe and not just the component parts. Strawberries are just one illustration of this. It's very important to eat as much nutritious food as you do snacks. If you ignore this rule you will be more susceptible to the negative side effects. Do not give me that garbage about, "Well it was the fruit so it does not matter what else is put in with it."

The fact is we all have heard this excuse. Fruit salad, when prepared properly, will feel every bit as good as any strawberry cake you can get from some bakery. Nature itself has left us all we need. But of course he gave us a great baker and an oven to make some changes to the original material. So sometimes you can be a little confused if you do not make it a point to balance your intake.

Minggu, 26 Juli 2015

Side Effects of Green Coffee Beans

Unroasted coffee bean extract is known to have an important effect in weight loss and fat burning. Although it has a tremendous potential in fighting obesity, many sites and forums debate over the side effects of green coffee beans.

Some argue that, as a 100% natural product, pure green coffee has no side effects. Others warned that these supplements can be life threatening and talk about high blood pressure, anxiety and worsening conditions such as osteoporosis or glaucoma.

Where Does the Truth Lie?

Fortunately, this is one of the few weight loss supplements available in the market, supported by heavy testing and research, so it is not difficult to put everything together and find the truth.

Tests conducted mostly on healthy people, and they show that this special coffee beans secure. However, judging from the changes in metabolism and body functions of the subject ', there are some precautions to it.

Is Green Coffee Bean Potential Side Effects?

Most of the side effects associated with green coffee extract that is common to drink coffee excessively and have the same source - caffeine. If you drink a cup of coffee in the morning, or even two whole days, depending on the size of the cup and the concentration can be health benefits and energy the main driver for some people, it can be very dangerous to others, suffers from heart disease, blood flow problems, glaucoma , osteoporosis, anxiety, etc. coffee is not recommended for pregnant women or nursing mothers either because it can harm the child.

Caffeine rich

On the same lines, this extract is rich in caffeine, because it is counter-indicated for everyone in one of the above situations. The problem does not lie with the green coffee diet, but with users who do not read and do not follow the recommendations of the manufacturer.

There are, indeed, those who do not know that they suffer from this problem until they start taking supplements and their blood pressure goes wild, they end up with nausea, diarrhea, agitation, etc.

However, most manufacturers recommend their clients to ask the opinion of their physician before taking any supplement, to lose weight or other purposes.

If there is suspicion, there is an easy and rapid tests that can bring the necessary clarification and, with them, peace of mind.

Avoid Side Effects!

Then, there is another simple measure to avoid side effects. This supplement is recommended to be taken as capsules 800mg, twice daily. There is no harm in taking only one capsule, in the morning, and skip the usual coffee, just to make sure.

If no side effects appeared, two capsules can be taken starting with the next day, and even coffee in the morning can be brought back to the table. If anything goes wrong, the user can always request a refund, no questions asked, so there is practically no risk involved.


Side effects of green coffee beans so long discussed, therefore, the result of not following the basic recommendations and did not have an accurate assessment of a person's state of health.

Sabtu, 25 Juli 2015

Whiten Your Armpits

Armpits getting dark by a number of factors which include but are not limited to rub the clothes against the armpit, the lack of good hygiene, skin reacted to a deodorant which one to use, infection and shaving underarms.

For effective treatment in treating dark underarms, it helps to know what caused them to get dark. There are many treatments out there that are offered, ranging from how expensive they are and how effective they are.

Some people prefer to peel or bleaching armpit armpit. The first method is basically just a shell of the outer skin of the armpit to expose new ones. Bleaching chemicals may need to be applied for maximum results.

Many people choose to purchase bleaching creams or lotions on the table, and it can work out great if you find the cream is right for their skin.

The best way so far to whiten dark armpits is to use natural skin lighteners. The reason behind this is because they are great for the skin, chances are your skin reacts to them is almost zero, because most fruits and vegetables come from.

With this, there is no chance you damage your skin even further and there are no side effects associated with naturally bleach your armpit.

Another major driving factor for you to go natural is the fact that they have been proven to be effective and they are very affordable. For the most part, getting your armpits lighten does not require you to buy something expensive, most of the ingredients you will need you will most likely find in your kitchen cabinets.

A method for whitening underarms that has proven effective is the use of honey, lemon and alum. You just mix a tablespoon of honey and a tablespoon of lemon juice. After that uniform, you apply it to your armpits. For effective results, you should leave the mixture for at least 20 minutes. After that, you simply rinse with warm water. Then apply some alum.

Doing this consistently will definitely whiten your armpits and makes you less embarrassed by them.

Jumat, 24 Juli 2015

Burkitts Lymphoma

Burkitts lymphoma is a very rare type of cancer. Less than a thousand cases diagnosed each year in the United States.

However, in some other parts of the world where it is endemic, such as certain parts of Central Africa, Burkitt's lymphoma is very common among children.

Burkitt's lymphoma is Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL) cancer that affects lymphocytes B. There are three different types of this disease:

Related -Immunodeficiency: Forms condition occurs most frequently in HIV patients and immunocompromised individuals such as transplant recipients same recently. This condition may signal the onset of AIDS.

-Sporadic: This is a variant of the disease is found outside the African continent. It is similar to endemic Burkitt's lymphoma and is associated with compromised immune systems.
-Endemic: This form of the disease called "African" form and is responsible for most cases of malignant central African children. Form of the disease may affect some areas but most often impacts jaw, ovarian, breast, kidney, facial bones. Epstein-Barr virus, which is the virus responsible for mononucleosis is closely associated with Burkitt.

Burkitts lymphoma Symptoms may include pain, swelling of the lymph nodes (this is the characteristic of lymphoma in general), hardening and / or the rapid growth of the lymph nodes. Pain in the abdomen is another possible sign.

This disease can be diagnosed by various modes such as:
-X-Ray chest
-Blood Counts
Fluid analysis -Spinal
-Lymph Node and / or bone marrow biopsy
-CT and / or PET Scan

Treatment of this disease usually involves intense chemotherapy. Before that chemotherapy is started, the better the prospects because this is a very aggressive form of cancer. However, some fast-growing cancers such as Burkitt, respond more quickly to treatment. It can actually harm the patient through a process called lysis syndrome tumor, in which the body is exposed byproduct of the breakdown of cancer cells that can cause one of a number of serious complications such as severe electrolyte disturbances and kidney failure.

Combination chemotherapy can be equipped with radiotherapy, dietary interventions, nootropics, supplements, exposure to natural sunlight (vitamin D). Surgery is often indicated to remove the tumor and bone marrow transplantation may be required in the case that the bone marrow is affected.

Burkitt's lymphoma prognosis depends on patient risk factors. Caught early (low risk or low / intermediate risk), combination chemotherapy has resulted in survival rates in the range of 90%. These figures decreased significantly for high-risk cases; ~ 70% for the medium risk / high and ~ 30% for high risk. Total 5-year survival rate for adults with Burkitts lymphoma is approximately 50 percent.

Kamis, 23 Juli 2015

Health benefits and Nutrition Facts of Pineapple

There are 74 calories in pineapple per cup (155 grams). Pineapple is an excellent alternative for sweet dessert because of its sweet taste. You can eat pineapple in a variety of ways: fresh, frozen, in heavy or light syrup, crushed, cut, wedges, spears or slices. Calories in pineapplevary depending on how it is presented. They can be served alone or to make the dish look inviting and compliment the flavor. There are hundreds of types of pineapples, but there are four main groups: Smooth Cayenne, Abacaxi, Red Spain and Queen.

Smooth Cayenne is the most popular of all varieties. As a fresh pineapple from a tree, smooth Cayenne pineapple grown to become the largest in 09:56 pound. Has a very low fiber content, rich sweet flavor and very juicy. For those who suffer from high acid stomach problem but still have a love for pineapple, Smooth Cayenne pineapple has a very low acid content because it will be tolerated in the stomach. It is mostly used for canned pineapple.

Abacaxi, also known as pernambuco, the pineapple is very soft compared to the varieties. The fruit weighs 2-11 pounds. Abacaxi pineapple is known for the delicious taste. The pineapple plant disease resistance highly.

The Red Spanish is a little smaller than other pineapple, pineapple like these only reach about 3-6 pounds. It is resistant to rot, but more susceptible to plant diseases. The Red Spain is very flavorful pineapple.

Queen of the pineapple is the smallest of pineapple weight between one to two and a half pounds. This variety is very aromatic and juicy. Along with Abacaxi, the Queen also resistant to disease and cold resistant. Queen also has some good fiber to a diet rich in fiber.

Health benefits and Nutrition Facts of Pineapple

Pineapple is an excellent source of several vitamins, manganese, bromelain, copper and dietary fiber. Pineapple helps digestion of proteins and can help prevent blood clots. The content of bromelain in pineapple have been found to be useful in reducing swelling, helps sinusitis, sore throat, arthritis and gout. Pineapple is a good source of vitamin C, which helps your body protect against free radicals that attack healthy cells. In addition to protecting the cells of your body, vitamin C is an excellent source to help fight colds and flu. Manganese and vitamin B1 is found in pineapple supply enzymes in the body for energy production. Research has found that some molecules in pineapple stems that are useful in protecting against types of cancer such as ovarian, breast, lung, colon and skin. Pineapple incorporate in your daily diet to help combat bronchitis, dyspepsia, constipation, arthritis and prevent nausea from morning sickness and motion sickness. Fresh pineapple juice has been used to eliminate intestinal worms.

How to Save Pineapple

Once you've cut your pineapple to your liking, save the fresh pineapple in air tight plastic container in the refrigerator. It will stay fresh for one to two days. If you want to freeze pineapple, cut into small pieces and freeze them in zip-lock freezer bag until you are ready to serve.

Rabu, 22 Juli 2015

The Benefits of Pears

Discover the benefits of pears for the body, skin and hair!

Pir is a low-calorie sweet fruit. They are fat free, cholesterol free and sodium free. They are about 84% water. They have a high amount of fiber, fructose and glucose. They can make you feel full without all the calories. If you are worried about losing weight and gaining energy, pears can be an easy solution for you. They are hypoallergenic fruit, less likely to produce adverse reactions. Pears or pear juice can be safe for infants to adults.

Improve your overall health! Start eating or pear juice. This delicious, healthy, fruit easy to incorporate into recipes and juice. Search regular or organic pears at a local store or farmers market stores you. Growing pear tree at home.

Generally, pears are elongated in shape. They are narrow at the stem and wide at the other end. Some pear has a spherical shape, similar to apples. They are also similar to the apples have seeds in their core. They vary in color from green, yellow, brown, red or a combination of these colors.

There are more than 3,000 varieties of pears grown throughout the world. Each variety has a characteristic, texture and flavor. Pir common include: Anjou, Asian, Bartlett, Bosc, Comice, Concorde and Seckel.

BENEFITS of pears - Skin

  • Anti-Aging: Pears are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. Combat damaging free radicals. Reduce fine lines, wrinkles, age spots. Firm. Nada. Reveal natural light.
  • Enhance Complexion: Flush toxins.
  • Moisturize and Smooth: Pears have a natural humectant. Relieve dry flaky skin.
  • Reducing Inflammation: Relieve arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.
  • Balance the skin's pH: Acid Reduces skin. Pears are packed with vitamins and minerals. They contain vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, K, folate and niacin. They are rich in copper, phosphorus and potassium.
  • Hypoallergenic: They tend to produce adverse reactions. Pears or pear juice can be safe for adults, children and even babies.
  • Rich in Fiber: Fiber slows the release of sugar into the blood. Over time, sugar spikes can damage collagen. Collagen is a natural protein component of the skin. It is naturally produced by the body. It is the main building block for cells, connective tissue and organs. Collagen production decreases with age.

BENEFITS of pears - Body

  • Reducing Fever
  • Reducing Weight
  • Increase Energy
  • Body Cool Down
  • Flush Out Toxins
  • Relieve Constipation
  • Low blood pressure
  • Boost Immune System
  • Reducing Bad Cholesterol
  • Reducing the Risk of Heart Disease, Type 2 Diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, Osteoporosis, Macular Degeneration, Obesity

BENEFITS of pears - Hair

Pears contain natural sugar alcohol, sorbitol or glucitol. Vitamin C in pear preserve cells and maintain healthy hair strands of hair conditioning. Hair roots and scalp nourished and moist. Reduce dry or frizzy hair. Reduce hair loss.

Minggu, 19 Juli 2015

Natural Remedies to Cure Migraines

Migraines can be daunting. It is estimated that nearly 30 million people suffer from them. I remember wondering if I was going to die from the pain or worry might be a brain tumor. I've suffered with them for most of my life. Over the years, they lasted a few hours and I'll get them a few times a month, depending on lifestyle and stress. About 10 years ago, I started getting migraines three days.
I tried many prescription drugs and do not work or have a list of side effects I refused to take a chance on experience. I finally look to natural remedies to cure migraines or at least bring relief. I found some things that helped me and I want to share some with you.

1. Find out what foods trigger your migraines.
Common triggers are; Cheese (milk), MSG (monosodium glutamate), chemical additives and preservatives, onions, alcohol, sugar, egg and gluten. One of the biggest triggers is caffeine! Yes, that sounds unreal because caffeine can provide relief but it works both ways. If you get a migraine, I will eliminate all caffeine first. Do not go cold turkey, take 2-4 weeks and wean ourselves from in order to avoid withdrawal headaches.

2. Stay hydrated. Drink half your body weight in ounces of water per day. More if you exercise.

3.Exercise regularly. Regular exercise increases healthy circulation and helps to reduce depression and anxiety. You will sleep better at night too.

4. Get enough sleep. We need 6-9 hours every night.

5. Learn to cope with stress in a healthy way. We can not eliminate all the stress in our lives, but we can learn to manage it. Stress can trigger a migraine.

6. Eat healthy and often. Small meals throughout the day is very beneficial for migraine sufferers. Do not skip breakfast! Eliminating processed foods and fast.

7. Stop using synthetic perfumes and fragrances on your person and in your home.

8. For women: Find a holistic practitioner qualified and work to get your hormones balanced and have your thyroid checked.

If you are experiencing a migraine, an ice pack wrapped in a towel and placed under your neck will help to relieve the pain. You can also place directly at the site of pain. I have found chiropractic care to help. Therapeutic grade essential oils have been very helpful to me. Make sure you only use therapeutic grade oils because most are sold as "pure" really is not and is not to be used directly on your skin.

I hope you try these tips you find help and healing. Migraine is a terrible disease to have. Pass on knowledge!

Jumat, 17 Juli 2015

Marshmallow Treats

Marshmallow treats can be a quick snack, dessert, or breakfast. They do not need a cake and therefore very easy to put together. You might be able to make them with almost any type of cereal; Here are three options.

A Note About Pan Size: Most recipes for marshmallows treat using standard size 9 "x 13" casserole dish. I admit I do not have this kind of pan. Instead I used a glass plate that is approximately 6 "x 10" for this recipe; You can use the more common 8 "x 8" square plates instead.

Rice Crispy Treats With Raisins

1/2 cup raisins
3 1/2 cups Rice Krispies cereal
2/3 of a 10 oz. bag of marshmallows
2 tablespoons butter or margarine

Cooking spray

Grease the baking dish you will be using with cooking spray. Also spray the spatula you will be using.

Melt the butter or margarine in a pot over the stove. Add the marshmallows and stir until the marshmallows have melted. Turn the heat off. Add the cereal and raisins, and mix so that everything is evenly coated.

Pour the mixture into the greased dish. Press down with the spatula so that it spreads evenly. Let cool, then cut into bars or whatever shape you desire.

S'more Bars

1/2 cup chocolate chips
4 cups Golden Grahams cereal
2/3 of a 10 oz. bag of marshmallows
1/2 stick (4 tablespoons) of butter or margarine

Cooking spray

With cooking spray, grease the spatula and the pan you will be using.
Melt the butter or margarine in a pot over the stove. Add the marshmallows and heat until the marshmallows melt. Turn off the heat.

Put the Golden Grahams in a separate bowl. Add the melted marshmallow mixture and stir until evenly coated. Add the chocolate chips and mix to incorporate.
Pour it all into the greased pan. Use the spatula to spread it out evenly and press down. Let cool, then cut into bars.

Triple Chocolate Treats

1/2 cup plain M&M candies
3 1/2 cups Cocoa Krispies cereal
one 8 oz. bag of chocolate marshmallows, like Kraft's Jet-Puffed Mallow Bites Chocolate Brownie Marshmallows
2 tablespoons butter or margarine

Cooking spray

Apply cooking spray to a spatula and a baking pan.
Melt the butter or margarine in a pot over the stove. Add the chocolate marshmallows and heat until melted. Turn off the heat.

Add the Cocoa Krispies and M&M candies, and stir until evenly coated.

Pour the mixture into the baking pan. Use the spatula to spread it out evenly and press down. Let cool, then cut into bars.

Kamis, 16 Juli 2015

Calories in Hamburger

While we all love the burgers there is no doubt that many of us have reason to worry about the calories in hamburger recipe. Beef, the main ingredient in quality burger major, is a rich meat should be cut slim to best use, but can provide enough calories to help.

Of course, this depends on how much service you choose to eat and how you choose to cook your hamburger ...

If you grill your hamburgers then you may choose a healthy method of cooking the food. Grilling does not make burgers as fat as frying and, as a result, reduce the number of calories. However, there is no need to be excessively fat hamburger, and make sure the meat you use are as lean as possible is the best way to ensure this does not happen.

As a guideline, standard size hamburger made from lean meat quality will provide about 280 calories with about 120 of those coming from fat. Reducing the fat content would be, therefore, reduce the calories in hamburger that you choose.

A hamburger can be part of a relatively healthy diet, and if done properly will give heart and satisfying meal for anyone. The way to ensure that your recipe as healthy as possible is to keep the size of the burger itself - or the quantity of meat - in reasonable proportion to the rest of the ingredients in the food.

Determine the calories in the food hamburger, therefore, highly dependent on the type of meat, how you cook and size of the burger in question. Anyone who eat burgers as part of the daily diet always pose a risk to their health, but there is no reason why a healthy, tasty burgers can not be made.

Rabu, 15 Juli 2015

The Pros and Cons of Eating Nuts

Who say that little things can not be special? At least, this is not the case with beans. In fact, this small package powerhouses healthy nutrition to your daily nutrition. Although they are super-rich health food, but there are many myths associated with them. Although the scientific claims and facts, many people still believe that eating nuts can make you vulnerable to unnecessary fat.

Contrary to these myths, nuts contain a lot of unsaturated fat that is also touted as a good fat. They have antioxidants, fiber, and protein in abundance. You have to eat them everyday, though, in moderation. But if you are still skeptical about the same things, we provide the pros and cons of eating Nuts for your help.

Pro Eating Nuts:

Positive that will encourage eating a handful of nuts every day including:

1. Rich Minerals and Vitamins

Most of the beans are loaded with essential minerals and vitamins for your good health. These include vitamins A and B. The mineral found in nuts, including copper, selenium, iron, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. As such, they are always healthy to eat. In fact, the level of nutrients can vary in different species.

2. Helps Weight

While most people will agree on this, it is a proven fact that nuts help to shed extra calories if eaten excessively and with caution. This applies to nuts such as almonds, pistachios, and cashews. They contain a lot of fiber which helps to curb your appetite significantly. Thus, they control your weight.

3. Lowering Cholesterol

If you want to lower the blood lowers LDL and total cholesterol in your body, start eating healthy nuts immediately. This is mainly due to the unsaturated fat content in it. They have a lot of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat in it. Also, some raw nuts have higher levels of phytosterols which control the risk of cardiovascular disease or any problems.

4. Rich in Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Nuts such as walnuts are known for their high content of omega 3 fats. They also have a lot of ALA along with several other nutrients. Research has shown that these nutrients are collectively help reduce oxidation or inflammation in your body. So, they are always good for your heart.

5. Reduce the possibility of Diabetes

Peanut affect insulin levels and glucose neutral. Thus, they reduce the risk of diabetes. Also, for patients with diabetes, they are eating a healthy choice. Their various forms such as peanut butter helps reduce the risk of Type-2 diabetes, particularly in women. This is also proved by research that almonds as substantially reduce the possibility of postprandial glycemia.

6. Rich in protein and dietary fiber plants

Nuts contain lots of vegetable protein. That makes them a healthy alternative to meat as well. They keep the blood vessels with a high content of amino acids. Dietary fiber in nuts are also good for your health.

Cons of Eating Beans

There is enough reason to include raw or dry roasted nuts in your daily routine. But there are some dangers associated with eating too many peanuts. These include:

1. High-Calorie Count

Almost every bean contains a lot of calories. This is not a pleasant fact for calorie and health conscious people. Although, almonds are a better choice with the lowest calorie count of 160 per ounce. To control the calories, you should refrain from roasted peanut oil heated at high temperature in a dangerous oil.

2. High in Fat

Despite their high content of unsaturated fats, nuts tend to use this extra baggage with processing and flavor. Sometimes, beans treated with preservatives and unhealthy chemicals that increase the levels of sodium and sugar in it.

3. A high level Oxalates

Mostly, the beans have enough oxalate. When oxalate accumulates in body fluids and crystallized, they can cause the formation of kidney stones.

4. May cause acne

Most nuts contain some of the oil that is detrimental to your skin. Those who have sensitive skin should eat nuts in moderation to avoid a breakout of acne.

These are some of the reasons are enough to keep you from eating peanuts above acceptable limits. If you want to chew them every day for better health, unprocessed, raw, and light salted peanuts in moderate portions is the best choice for you.

Selasa, 14 Juli 2015

The Secret of Beauty Treatments

All through the ages men and women have been taking care of their skin and body. The care given to maintain the shape of the body and the face is a very old habit. To have a glowing face with healthy skin and attractive features is everyone's dream. Everyone wants to know the secret of beauty treatments.

To take care of your face and your skin should choose products containing cocoa and mango butter, lemongrass, vanilla and clove oil with avocado, papaya and macadamia. All these ingredients are used in skin care products. Some skin care products currently consists of many synthetic materials that contain chemicals that are harmful to your skin and will not help in beauty treatments.

Generally, beauty care products made from petrochemical by-products; synthetic fragrances; cheap chemical fillers and chemical preservatives with a small amount of natural ingredients such as vitamin E, Shea or Cocoa Butter to produce cream. This cream will not help your skin at all, but in the long run will harm the skin.

To have a proper beauty care is to start using products that contain more than fruits, vegetable or nut oil. These materials have been used for centuries to heal and nourish the skin and also to treat diseases and aliments. Beans, fruit, vegetable extracts rich in vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and emollients. They were added to the clay and minerals and makes a wonderful source of nutrients for the skin. Modern skin care products contain only small amounts of natural materials. So to properly care for your beauty, you should start using natural products.

The skin around your eyes is very thin and in need of special care, so to do that you have to use a very hydrating face cream and apply it around your eyes, so it will keep your skin tight and radiant. All skin care and beauty products have ingredients that are beneficial for the skin while others are dangerous. So when choosing a good beauty product ingredients must be present in high quantities to give the best results. The best skin care products made from natural ingredients to avoid chemicals, preservatives and fillers.

To provide proper beauty treatments you can use natural skin care products and organic original made from materials that will support and complement the natural process of your skin. Another ancient secrets of beauty care is to have lots of salads in your diet. Salad not only help you keep your skin glowing, but also, helps in maintaining your weight is maintained. The more fatty foods you will have, it would be very difficult to maintain the skin looking healthy and radiant.

Proper sleep and rest is also required for beauty treatments. If you do not have the rest of the right, then you will have dark circles under your eyes, and this will affect your beauty in the long term. Drinking too much alcohol is also harmful to the skin and beauty treatments. After a while it started to show on your skin. Having a healthy lifestyle and using natural ingredients is the best way to care for your beauty.

Senin, 13 Juli 2015

How to Get Lighter Skin Faster Naturally

You may be wondering how to get lighter skin quickly without breaking the bank. Fortunately, there are many ways in which the skin can be alleviated in low-cost housing.

First, when it comes to lightening the skin, it's important to take preventive measures. Wearing high-SPF sunscreen every day to prevent the skin from becoming darker or discolored. In addition, wear sunscreen every day to prevent skin cancer, which is a big bonus!

Regular exfoliation with a loofah or a sugar-based scrub is also an excellent preventive measure. Exfoliation removes dead skin cells and prevents dark spots on the skin.

In addition, lemon juice is a common way to lighten skin naturally. Lemons contain citric acid which was shown to promote the lightening of the skin. Enough rub lemon juice onto the skin, leave on for fifteen minutes and then rinse. Lemon juice, however, may dry up or cause sensitivity, so users should avoid direct exposure to UV rays, dilute with water and use a moisturizer if needed.

Milk is also said to be a fantastic skin lightener. All you need to do is pour the milk into a glass, dip a cotton ball in it and apply it generously over the area who want to lighten skin.

A homemade skin whitening can also be made by mixing one tablespoon of milk, saffron, tomato juice and gram flour and apply it to the skin you want to lighten for fifteen minutes. This mask should be used at least three times during the week for optimal results.

Still wondering how to get lighter skin quickly? Then, look no further than the results of your drawer. Potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers are not only tasty, but they also can be used to brighten the skin. Juice of three vegetables can be mixed together, applied to the skin overnight and rinsed with cold water in the morning for optimal skin lightening results.

Lastly, oatmeal and olive oil can even be used to lighten skin naturally. One teaspoon of olive oil, two tablespoons of oatmeal, a tablespoon of yogurt and a squirt of lemon juice can be mixed together to form a paste. Paste can then be applied to areas that want bleached for fifteen minutes before rinsing.

Now you have learned how to get lighter skin faster naturally without the use of chemicals or doctor. Best of luck in your skin lightening trip!

Minggu, 12 Juli 2015

How to Get Fair Skin at Home

Are you a person with darker skin who want to brighten the color of your skin? Do you want to get a fair skin color?

Many women and some men spend a lot of money on cosmetics or pharmaceutical products that promise to whiten skin and eliminate all types of skin imperfections. Others opt for laser treatment or surgery that can provide instantaneous color change but expensive. While others are happy to use mineral makeup to lighten the skin and a smart cover skin problems such as wrinkles, scars, birthmarks, freckles and other imperfections.

Some people believe lighter skin color will provide greater social acceptance, improve their career prospects or even make them more physically appealing to the opposite sex. Whatever the reason, in recent years there have been many exciting developments to make bleach and brighten your skin is not only achievable but relatively safe and inexpensive.

How To Get Fair Skin At Home

Many people tend to overlook the fact that nature provides many natural ingredients that powerful can whiten, moisturize and improve skin elasticity.

The main reason for using natural products with skin-lightening ingredients is that they do not have adverse side effects. Most natural materials, which are used in our daily food and the human body tolerates them well. As you will know exactly what the ingredients in homemade products, you exclude from your recipe if you have an allergy to them. Another reason to use a homemade treatment is that you make them fresh every time you use it. Unlike many cosmetic creams that sit on the shelf for long periods of time and lose their curative properties. But the most compelling reason to use homemade skin whitening products is that they are much cheaper than commercially produced products. Everyone can afford to buy raw materials at the supermarket and quickly make natural products in your kitchen.

Try a simple home treatments to get fair skin.

Apply lemon or lime to your skin every day. Can be quite acidic lemon juice is best to test it on a small part of your body like your hands first. If no adverse reactions or side effects after a few hours and then it is generally safe to use throughout. If there is a burning or type of reaction stop using it immediately. Citric acid will help break down protein melanin in your skin and removes the surface layer of dead skin to reveal new skin and a lighter color. Your body is naturally able to transport themselves melanin protein of the skin revitalized.

Apply cucumber juice on your skin. This juice has a natural bleach and bright property to lighten and condition your skin. It is especially good in the eyes of the juice is less acidic than lemon juice. You can also rub the wound cucumber into your skin. Do not wash it but leave it overnight for maximum effect.

Mix the pasta with the use of turmeric powder and fresh lime juice. Apply it on your skin for a few hours before washing off. Taking vitamin C tablets over a period of time can also brighten your skin.

Sabtu, 11 Juli 2015

Dry Skin Care Tips

Here is a dry skin care tips solid few heed:

  • In winter, when humidity is lower, your skin dries out more quickly. Keep in mind that when you choose a moisturizer. Use a moisturizer that is stronger in winter and a light moisturizer in the summer, when humidity is high.
  • As we age our skin becomes thinner and dry. As a result, our skin is more vulnerable to damage in the form of cuts and cracks. Be careful when handling tools and equipment, and when it comes into contact with harsh or abrasive surfaces or objects.
  • Exercise regularly to improve blood circulation, which helps to nourish and cleanse your skin from the inside.
  • Dry skin care no-brainer: drink plenty of water to improve skin hydration. At least 2 liters per day.
  • Clean your skin with care. Because dry skin is more easily damaged than oily or normal skin, good practices, safe cleaning to prevent dead skin cells mixing with dirt and dust and cause infection.
  • Avoid excessive washing, especially with hot water, which evaporates faster than water is warm or lukewarm. Too much contact with water will remove natural oils and moisture from the skin and encourages further drying. People with dry skin, especially the elderly, should avoid the bath or shower with hot water.
  • Keep bath or shower less than 15 minutes to avoid the loss of natural oils that help retain the moisture of your skin.
  • Avoid commercial soaps that dry the skin. Choose natural moisturizing soap that has a neutral pH value.
  • Dry skin care techniques are great: after a light shower apply virgin coconut oil to your face and massage gently to get the blood circulating and to freshen your face.
  • Avoid cleaning cold cream, which is made from hydrogenated oils. This oil is really dry out the skin and cause wrinkles. Try instead tapped virgin coconut oil or virgin olive oil on your skin to clean it. Rinse with warm water or warm and dry with a soft cloth.
  • Always moisturize your skin - face, neck, body - after a bath or shower. Moisturize your hands after washing them.
  • Take evening primrose oil supplements to strengthen your skin and increase the water content of your skin. * Get plenty of sleep to allow the skin to repair itself at the cellular level.
  • For some great ways to improve the look and feel of your dry skin using a simple, inexpensive products you can buy at your store food market or local grocery.

There is no mystery to the proper treatment of dry skin. First, make the decision to practice regular skin care and consistently good. That could mean giving something (something that may be bad for you anyway), or take whatever steps are necessary to improve the physical and mental health and your overall health and appearance of your skin. Once you are committed to making your skin look and feel great, using common sense. Keep in mind the guidance and tips given above to practice proper skin care dry, and enjoy better skin healthy for the rest of your life!

Jumat, 10 Juli 2015

How to Naturally Get Rid of Acne

It is possible; You can get rid of skin infection without spending a dime on every product. Acne, pimples, black heads, white heads, or whatever name you call it can affect one person. When I mean personally, acne tends to affect the personal lives of example affect your self esteem and also limit your freedom to the public. Acne is caused by bacteria called P.acne, these bacteria come when your skin pores clogged. Then draw bacteria (P.acne) to the area which then tend to swell as acne. You can get rid of these bacteria easily, but here we are looking for ways to cure this skin infection without side effects.

Here are some tips or guidelines on how to naturally remove acne:

- Egg whites: these are guaranteed and effective ways to treat acne or skin condition you are suffering. Apply as a facial mask and let it dry for about 20 minutes and then you can wash it off. Wash your face using warm water. You can apply this one at least three times a week.

- Steam your face: do this by putting your face over hot water and boil. Allow the steam to go directly to your face. It helps to open the pores of the skin all blocked. And then you have to wash it off with cold water.

- Garlic; destroying about two to three pods of garlic and then apply directly to the affected areas on your skin. Despite having worked with the irritating smell better than the other counter methods.

- Applying toothpaste: Apply toothpaste on your skin before bedtime. Then wash off with warm water in the morning. It will help you reduce swelling and redness as well.

These simple tips on how to naturally get rid of acne will work only if you put them to action.

Kamis, 09 Juli 2015

Recipes for Pancakes or Waffles

When you have a group of hungry to eat like we do here in our home, you may be looking for some ideas interesting and healthy recipes to serve your family. Pancakes and waffles ideas very popular food if you eat them for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Many people enjoy eating like comfort food that they enjoy eating delicious whether everyday or on special occasions or holidays. In fact, people around the world have eaten one form of pancakes or waffles for centuries. However, one of the best things about them on their side to be healthy and tasty, you can also try different kinds of syrups and sauces with them to find you prefer.

Pancake and Gravy Recipe Sticking Your Ribs Food

The pancakes can be soft and light, but they actually can satisfy hunger and delicious food needs. The sauce and the sauce has always been a popular spice waffles and pancakes and biscuits and other bakers. Combination recipe can enhance your meal times while also making sure that your family eat healthy. If you and your family like them they can only turn out to be one of your family's favorite recipes.

Recipes for pancakes or waffles

What You Need :

1 ¾ cups flour
2 Tablespoons baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon salt
2 separated eggs
5 Tablespoons sugar
1 cup sour cream, buttermilk, or plain yogurt
1 cup milk
6 Tablespoons melted butter or margarine

How to Make It :

Using a large mixing bowl, add the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt and then mix thoroughly. Set aside until needed.

Whip the egg whites and then set them aside until needed.

Beat the egg yolks and sugar and then stir in the cup of sour cream, buttermilk, or yogurt and the cup of regular milk.

Add this wet mixture gradually to the dry mixture and beat until well blended.

Add melted butter or margarine and combine thoroughly. Fold in beaten egg whites until thoroughly mixed.

Pour mixture into a hot prepared griddle or skillet to cook. Brown on one side and then flip over once to brown the other side to make pancakes or waffles to serve with homemade chocolate sauce recipe.

Recipe for Chocolate Sauce

What You Need

4 Tablespoons flour
4 Tablespoons sugar
4 Tablespoons cocoa
2 cups milk
How to Make It

Using a medium size bowl add the flour sugar and cocoa and then mix thoroughly.

In a medium size saucepan over a medium high heat add the milk and stir with whisk. Bring to a soft boil, but do not allow milk to boil.

Gradually add the dry mixture to the milk while stirring constantly until the sauce begins to thicken. Remove from heat and serve with pancakes or waffles for a delicious breakfast or as a sweet treat for your family.v

Rabu, 08 Juli 2015

Dessert for Dinner

Are there such things as a healthy dessert? In addition to eating fresh raw fruits, which is ...

If you are like me, craving sweet little gourmet, but trying to eat healthy food, this is a question you will ask yourself. Can we indulge with healthy gourmet desserts in a special family dinner?

As a general guideline, we all try to avoid sugar, but eating dessert in moderation is acceptable for a healthy diet. Let us not forget that a healthy diet is a lifestyle and not a temporary situation, so we should be able to enjoy our food while abiding to some rules of good nutrition. So moderation and balanced nutrition is really a key element for a healthy diet. But when it comes to choosing a special dessert, sugar is the only enemy to avoid? Here are some guidelines that I use to choose a dessert that is ideal for my family dinner.

If you buy your desserts:

Go for all natural ingredients or even better, if possible, look for organic products.
Avoid desserts that have trans fats and hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils. Obviously, no GMOs.

High fructose corn syrup is bad for you. Recent studies have shown that consumption of high fructose corn syrup causes excessive accumulation of fat compared with the same amount of sugar consumed plain.

Avoid artificial colorings and preservatives all kinds of fancy names. Read the labels: if you can not understand what the ingredients are, chances are unnatural and not good for you.
If possible, make desserts from scratch with all natural ingredients. It will be guaranteed healthy for you and it will feel better too! While choosing the right recipe, go for a light dessert, with reduced fat and reduced sugar. Unless advised by your doctor for specific medical conditions, does not replace the butter to margarine less healthy alternative, for artificial sweeteners or sugar, just trying to use recipes that use less of these materials, and use low-fat dairy products. Have smaller portions too! Moderation is the key! If possible, use organic milk, it is healthy, and it tastes so much better!

In your search for that special light and healthy gourmet recipes, keep in mind that calories matter, but they are only part of the story. Healthy, natural ingredients, which are good for your body. For example, keep in mind that, although more calorie-rich, beans in general, and in particular walnuts, which are mainly used in European recipe, contains omega-3 fatty acids are very beneficial healthy for the body and brain.

More good news: the latest research shows that chocolate is actually good for you! Dark chocolate (at least 70% cocoa) contains large amounts of antioxidants that are beneficial for your body. Try not to combine with milk though, because it is proven to reduce the body's ability to absorb antioxidants.

So what is the dessert for dinner which would you choose to feed your family? Whatever your choice may be, go for less sugar, less fat and all natural ingredients!

Selasa, 07 Juli 2015

Traditional Food Vs Fast Food

The term "cooking" covers a wide range of methods, tools and combinations of ingredients to make it taste and digestibility of food. Technique, which is known as the culinary art of cooking, usually requires the selection, measurement and combining ingredients in the controlled procedures in an effort to achieve the desired results. Constraints on success include the variability of ingredients, ambient conditions, tools, and skills of the individual cooking. The diversity of cooking worldwide is a reflection of a variety of nutritional considerations, artistic, agriculture, economy, culture and religion that impact upon it. Cooking requires applying heat to food which is usually chemically modify it and change the flavor, texture, appearance and nutritional properties. There is archaeological evidence that primitive man used to cook their meals by the fire is the most important thing invented by primitive man. Cooking food and cooking cultures vary from country to country and from one culture to another and each dish has a specific specificity. Nowadays, because of modern life that changed everything around us and affect our lifestyle and eating habits, the less prepare their own meals. Eating habits tend to unite people from different communities. Food production and eating process to obtain new characteristics. Food available around us seems to be very different from what we used to eat.

Eating habits and modern life

Everything runs at high speed, people do not have time to cook, don`t have the desire and patience to stay longer in the kitchen, and they do not have who are willing to prepare their own meals. The older generation still prefer to cook their own meals do not like young people who prefer to eat fast food because they do not want to spend a long time cooking and a desire to cook. Modern life that shape our eating habits and make us like slaves follows pace. It`s not hard to find a fast food restaurant they are everywhere and every corner. Consumption of fast food causes damage to the social and economic life of the country and caused many health problems such as obesity and heart disease, according to many studies. Also, many nutrition experts from various countries have expressed the character of fast food epidemic. Rapid process of globalization and modern life affect our eating habits and provides an opportunity for fast-food restaurants to grow and develop. Fast food seems to be very common everywhere, despite some positive aspects of fast food is easy to prepare, is available in many places, and it was simply great food. But on the other hand, we can estimate that the negative aspects are more important and bigger. I think it is easy to understand that fast food is one of the phenomena that will be accepted by the people. We will see the loss of traditional culture with the development of fast food restaurants in all countries around the world.

How to fight addiction to fast food

The best example of the success of fast food to transform modern life is the invasion of the world food markets by fast-food giants such as McDonald's, KFC and others. According to the website McDonald, McDonald has about 29,000 restaurants in 120 countries around the world, and serves nearly 54 million customers every day. As well as it points to the fact that changes in eating preferences and even on the road of life itself. There is no doubt that fast food is now changing the face of many countries and eating habits around the world. In short, unfortunately, it is difficult to prevent global change traditional foods will be replaced by new foods that are common to all people in all countries around the world. But the good news is that, recently there are some people and some of the movements that try to contrast the process of modern life and asked people to return to their traditional food. To solve this problem we need a restaurant that offers traditional food, and able to attract a large number of loyal customers. Also parents should teach their children how to prepare and cook traditional food. Many people know that the traditional food is much better for our health, so they want to preserve and maintain the cooking traditions of evaporation. There are great expectations of the people to preserve their customs and traditions of food preparation. The main obstacle is the modern lifestyle. Some people might say that it is difficult to preserve our traditional food because it takes a long time to prepare and people today can not spend a long time in cooking. Others, especially parents may say, it is a pity to destroy the culture and traditions. People may be right.


On this day, people have more health problems associated with new eating habits and consumption of fast food. Although some of the advantages of fast food losses caused by fast food does not outweigh the benefits. I think that people should consider the negative facts of the consumption of fast food and the benefits of preparing their own meals at home. It`s not fair that the traditional food that arrives to us from generation to generation we will replace it with junk food that will hurt us more than our advantageous. `S unfortunate to lose the tradition of cooking and eating homemade food prepared by the mother of us all together at the table. I am sure that we all have to think about these issues and try to find the right solution to save our culture, our traditional food, and more importantly our health. So we must take immediate action to preserve traditional foods and encourage people to prepare their own dishes, so that they can stay healthy and live longer. Although fast food is cheap, convenient, delicious and available in every corner of our city, but that does not mean that our health is cheaper than fast food we eat.

Senin, 06 Juli 2015

Health Benefits of Raw Chocolate

Chocolate is often regarded as an indulgence, a treat a little naughty that always makes us feel a bit guilty after we had taken the last bite, but is it really a bad thing?

Actually, chocolate is not half as unhealthy as you believe. It depends on the type of chocolate that you eat. Milk and white chocolate are great for a treat and should be enjoyed guilt-free, but other types of chocolate has some surprising benefits you may not be aware of.

Dark chocolate, however, are a different story. Studies have found that dark chocolate has many health benefits (though it is not a reason to start taunting with a wild left). Here are some health benefits of raw chocolate:

• Dark chocolate is a source of antioxidants (in fact, one of the best sources on the planet)
• Dark chocolate can improve blood flow and lower your blood pressure
• Dark chocolate can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease

While everyone has heard about how great dark chocolate is, if only a tasty treat that is not bad for us? This brings us to the raw chocolate, which is often touted as a 'superfood' and have a lot of people interested in food and nutrition touting the advantages. Is raw chocolate is much different from dark chocolate?

Chocolate is made from cacao beans (this is where the cocoa comes from), which picked, fermented, roasted, ground and pressed before being mixed with fat and sugar. Raw chocolate comes about when the producers decided not to roasted cocoa beans. Instead, they use cocoa beans that have been dried naturally in the great outdoors, which seems to be a better method to preserve all the nutrients and maintain higher levels of antioxidants.

Raw chocolate is rich in nutrients following:

• Magnesium
• A whole range of vitamins
• Heart-healthy essential fats
• Protein
• Fiber

Although not quite the same dark chocolate, it does share some health benefits, with studies showing that raw chocolate may also lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. There are some additional bonuses as well, with the best raw chocolate to help digestion and the cocoa component can help improve your mental wellbeing.

Of course, while dark chocolate has enough followers dedicated fans at this point, people are still not sure about raw chocolate, especially when it comes to taste and quality. That being said, it started to gain some momentum and more and more people are turning to it, which means that we will soon see better quality control and product quality raw chocolate is better, and you can already buy some fantastic organic chocolates online ,

For example, Chocolat Lovers sells various organic raw chocolate along with more specialized products other. As a vendor of luxury chocolates, you never have to worry about the taste or quality because you will get the best out there.

Minggu, 05 Juli 2015

Make Healthier Dessert Recipe

By using some of the dessert recipes and ideas that are healthy, you can change the dessert of the Royal occasionally to treat every day, without harming your health or your waistline. If you are like me ... deny sweet tooth can be difficult if you are trying to eat healthy foods. The problem is that to deny that sweet tooth too long can lead to a party later. A better option is to find healthy ways that you can enjoy candy by making dessert with healthy recipes. Even if you have a few favorite recipes in hand, it is very easy to make some changes to make dessert a little better for you. By eliminating ingredients that are high in calories and high fat, you can enjoy a healthy dessert that will not sabotage your healthy diet.

Here are some tips to make healthier dessert recipe.

Tip # 1 - Cut Back on Sugar

One of the best ways to create a healthy dessert recipe is to cut back on the sugar in the recipe. You can quickly reduce the carbohydrates and calories when you reduce the sugar in your recipe. You can usually reduce the sugar with ¼ to 1/2 without hurting the taste of the recipe. You can even replace the remaining sugar with honey or maple syrup. You may even like the taste of it was created more recently than the original recipe.

Tip # 2 - Change Healthy Fats

Many foods contain a lot of fat cover unhealthy. If you are replacing about half of the oil, butter, or shortening the better choice, you really can make healthy recipes. Applesauce or mashed bananas make a great substitution. Your finished result will remain nice and moist, but you will significantly lower the fat and calories in desserts. Try this in everything from cakes to cookies.

Tip # 3 - Eliminate Supplementary Material

Sometimes there are foreign materials, which means you can eliminate it with no problems. For example, if you make a cake, you really need all that icing on the cake? You can eliminate the icing on the cake and still have great taste without all the calories that come along with icing. Simply replace sugar sweetened with some fresh fruit might be just the trick to make it look good without the extra calories or sugar.

Tip # 4 - Look for low-fat milk Substitutes

Many recipes call for the use of milk, which adds a bit of fat and calories to the finished dessert. You can reduce calories and fat significantly to just go with the choice of low-fat milk, such as 1% milk or skim milk. You may be able to use non-dairy low-fat dairy such as soy milk or rice milk as well.

Tip # 5 - Cut back on high-calorie ingredients

It's also a good idea to reduce the materials to make high-calorie desserts you much healthier. For example, if you have a recipe that calls for ½ cup chopped pecans, cut back to 1/3 cup. It will not hurt the recipe and you will shave off a lot of calories without affecting taste.

These are just some of the substitutions you can make if you want to start enjoying a healthy dessert. Of course, there are other substitutions you can learn about as well. Take the time to do some research to find out more clues that will help you enjoy sweets without damaging your healthy diet.

Sabtu, 04 Juli 2015


Imagine what it would be like to have in your life expectancy? Or do you feel like that? Hope is a feeling of hope and desire for certain things to happen. To expect to feel inspired or optimistic about the future. What if you feel that things in your life will never improve or feel that there is no solution to the problem?

Despair is often felt by people who suffer from depression and should be taken very seriously because it is a warning sign of suicide. Before I go any further, if you know of anyone feel like this or if you feel this way, there is help. Call 1-800-suicide.

Despair can also be a little less serious. If you think things like: I'll never find love again, I'll never be happy, no point in trying to or I would never be able to do that, then there are several things you can do to overcome those thoughts and feelings ,

1. Challenge your negative thoughts. In other words, change your thinking. Do you remember a time when you have a broken heart and never think you will get over it? Well, you did. Always remind yourself that things change and you have overcome challenges and feelings of despair before.

2. Reach out for support. There is no shame in feeling like you've come to the end of the rope you in whatever you are trying to achieve. It can be difficult to reach people to let them know how you feel, but you are human and we all felt that way at one time or another in our lives. People will want to help support and encourage you.

3. Be good to yourself. Instead of putting negative thoughts in your head about how you feel, turn them into positive thoughts. I remember the day I heard that we are our own worst critics. We speak badly of ourselves, about ourselves, more than anyone else. You are just as worthy as anyone else out there. Never forget that.

If you feel desperate at the moment, I suggest making changes. Doing something different. If you do not exercise, then go to practice. If you have never gone to see the movie yourself, then go and see the movie you'll enjoy (no sad movie!). If you want to try a new craft, go to the craft store. Know that you have the strength to push yourself through. No one can do it for you. However, if you have a mental illness is real, then you need to get some kind of help and there is nothing wrong with it at all. If not, do not wait for life to happen, you make it happen!

As a reminder, I am not a medical professional. I am someone who deals with mental illness myself and know from previous experience what has helped me and I share it with you to hopefully shed some hints but never rely on my word.

Jumat, 03 Juli 2015

Health Benefits of Raw Garlic

Chinese people have known health benefits of raw garlic for thousands of years. In China, apart from being used for food flavor, garlic is also traditionally used in teas and traditional medicine. Why? Garlic is one of the strongest natural immune system booster, and a strong antibiotic, aid digestion and libido enhancer. As you will see below, this is just some of the health benefits of raw garlic.

However, while health and medicinal benefits of garlic are many, can also overheat your system if you eat too much. According to traditional Chinese dietary therapy, garlic warm in nature and a strong stimulant. Therefore, people who have an excess of heat in their body first of all have to balance their system. Excessive internal heat comes from eating too much food and drink warming, such as meat, fried foods, coffee and alcohol. This causes symptoms such as red eyes, bad breath, constipation, urinary yellow, yellow tongue moss and acne. If you have any kind of symptoms, eliminate or greatly reduce the above items from your diet for a few weeks before you start eating garlic regularly, or will only make your body heat and your symptoms worse.

Here are some of the major health and medicinal benefits of garlic. Note: To get the full health benefits of raw garlic, all you have to do it - take it raw! Commercial garlic pills, tablets, capsules and oils, especially the smell, often without an active enzyme that provides benefits. Crushed, raw garlic can be mixed into virtually any food, or put in an easy to swallow gelatin capsules, or drunk as a tea to destroy only 1 or 2 cloves and add hot water. This method may not be very interesting, but you want to benefit or not?

Health & Medicinal Benefits of Garlic

Strong immune system enhancer
Antibacterial, antiviral
Antifungal - an effective cure for yeast infection candida &
Clears ulcers and infected wounds
Increases appetite
Digestive aid - excellent if eaten with meat
Increase libido - take some raw cloves a day
Expel intestinal parasites and worms
Reduce high cholesterol
Health Remedies Using Garlic Cloves

Here are some Chinese healthcare solutions using cloves of garlic as the main ingredient. It is common, traditional ways that people take advantage of the health benefits of Chinese raw garlic.

Garlic Tea:
Put 1 or 2 cloves of garlic and 1 or 2 grams of loose green tea in a teapot. Add one or two teaspoons of raw brown sugar if you wish. Pour water that has been allowed to cool slightly boil. Stir the mixture and let it steep for a few minutes before drinking. After wards, leaving the ingredients in the pot, you can top up with more water once or twice throughout the day. It is a common folk medicine to kill the germs and toxins in the body finish.

Garlic Nose Drops:
This is a general precautions for cold and sinus problems. Crush some garlic cloves to get the juice. Mix with warm water at a ratio of two parts water to one part garlic juice. Lying and using an eye-dropper to put a few drops into each nostril as soon as you feel any symptoms come. Continue for as long as necessary. If the drops are too irritating your nose, stop, or reduce the number of drops.

Garlic Paste:
Crush 2 cloves of garlic and mix with a few drops of pure sesame oil to make a paste for external application to boils, ulcers and infected wounds. Cover and then reapply when the paste becomes dry and fall off. If the skin becomes irritated or discontinue the use of too wait a day or two and try again.

Maximizing Health Benefits of Raw Garlic To get the full health benefits of raw garlic, good in salads, tea, or in a capsule, it is important you eat less refined, processed and canned food, and the food is as close to their natural state as possible. Afterall, what's the point in taking a fresh, raw garlic to improve your health while, for example, continue to eat nutrient-dead, toxin-producing junk food?