Sabtu, 31 Januari 2015

Rice Cakes - Are They Really Good For Diet?

Rice cakes became popular with the advent of low-fat diet. In fact, some people are fanatical about their rice cakes, snacking on them constantly because "they do not contain fat, so they are healthy!" As a snack, but they may not be the best choice.

Let's look at the label. An average rice cakes have:
Calories: 35
Total fat: 0.3 gm
Cholesterol: 0
Sodium: 29
Carbohydrates: 7.3 gm
Fiber: 0.4 gm
Sugar: 0.1 gm
Protein: 0.7 gm

OK, so they are low in calories and have less fat. But they also have a very little bit of fiber and protein. So what's left?

Now there is nothing wrong with carbohydrates in the right setting. But here we have the carbs without fat, very little fiber and very little protein.

Without protein, fat or fiber, carbohydrates are easily digested and converted to blood glucose very quickly. This is called the glycemic effect, and indeed, ordinary rice cake is a type of grain that rank high on the glycemic index. What a rice cake, basically, is the food that will give you a jolt of sugar!

As a snack, this is a bad choice, not only for people trying to lose weight, but for people whose goal is to eat in a healthy way. By continuously supplying blood sugar, insulin will be produced in excess. Blood sugar levels are increased, then dropped suddenly due to excess insulin, and this can create more hunger. So you want to eat rice cakes others.

Indeed, there is a lot of calories, but really, would not it be better to choose a snack with materials that are more nutritious? Even if it is more calories, such as a piece of fruit will provide vitamins, minerals and fiber. Because of the fiber, it will be digested more slowly and do not spike blood sugar quickly, so it will be more satisfactory.

Or, I even dare to say, eat a snack that contains protein and fat (the good kind of fat) as a handful of nuts?

Snacking is not bad. Some experts suggest that eating three smaller meals and two snacks daily is a good way to provide optimal nutrition, but only if we choose wisely. Eating is about feeding our bodies what they need to thrive. Choosing nutritious snacks empty is a lost opportunity. An apple versus rice cakes such as vitamin supplements than sugar pills.

Delicious and Healthy Banana Cake

Bananas are rich in potassium. They are very important in maintaining the proper activity of the cells in our body. The fruit is so common that is why a lot of people who create recipes with bananas as the main ingredient.

Many will surely agree that the cake is loved by children. Conversely, many parents are faced with the problem of making their children eat healthy foods such as fruits. Fortunately, there is a cake recipe that uses fruit today. You will enjoy sweet treats cake now, in addition to the healthy benefits of fruits. Banana cake is an excellent example of this. Your kids will surely love the taste of the cake without knowing that they consume fruits like bananas.

Banana cake can be maintained for two to three days using an airtight container made of glass, metal and plastic. They can be presented individually or in multiple slices. Banana cake is also popular as a school treat.

Here is a simple procedure on how to make a delicious and healthy banana cake:

75 grams or 1/3 cup of softened butter
110 grams or 1/2 cup of unrefined caster sugar
1 egg
2 teaspoon of baking powder
Grated rind of a lemon or an orange (optional)
4 pieces of ripe bananas
50 grams or 1/2 cup of chopped walnuts

• Set 12 pieces of paper muffin cases into a muffin tin. Then, heat the oven to the temperature of 350F or 180C.
• Put the butter, caster sugar and the egg to a bowl. Mix in the flour and the baking powder. Use an electric mixer, beat until combined well. After which, add the grated lemon or orange rind.
• Slice the bananas and then put them in a bowl, mash them. Add it to the flour mixture next to the walnuts and then mix them again thoroughly.
• Transfer the mixture to the cases or tins and then bake it until the color turn brown. It is done when it springs back when pressed. It takes about 50 minutes for the cake to be done.
• Let the cake to cool inside the tin for about 10 minutes before transferring it to a wire tray.

This banana cake recipe is very easy to make, and the end result of this delicious recipe. You can add a personalized cake with cake decorating items such as cake decorating flowers, candy colored, grind-ed coconut, chocolate, and fresh fruits. Using fondant decorating ideas and butter cream frosting is also a very good idea to adjust the cake.

The Last Time and Stop Smoking Forever

We are all aware of how dangerous smoking addiction, how could be the main cause of lung cancer, heart disease, stroke and ultimately death. If you have been smoking for a few years now you may find it difficult to quit smoking but emotional freedom is the only thing you're really looking for. If you are a smoker and like many of us who have tried too many things, but have not really succeeded then this may be just a few techniques to help you. Here is a short article that will help your mind for the last time and stop smoking forever.

1) Neuro Linguistic Programming: NLP is lower heard the term but if you are interested in quitting your heart out then there is nothing better than this. It is the practice of understanding how people organize the ability to think, feeling, language and behavior. Training Neuro Linguistic Programming is done to allow people to overcome the obstacles that they face today in their beliefs and various other obstacles which previously had distanced them from learning and achieving goals. NLP key lies in how one perceives information filtering or absorbed through the five senses of the body.
• Neuro: Every individual has formed a unique mental filtering system itself to process millions of bits of data that is absorbed through the senses.
• Linguistics: We then set a personal meaning to the information received from the outside world.
• Programming: The process of behavioral responses that occur as a result of a neurological screening process and subsequent linguistic maps.

2) Hypnotherapy: A form of psychotherapy that is used to make a change in the patient's subconscious to perform in new condition and form an entirely new thoughts, responses, behaviors and feelings are referred to as hypnotherapy and this is a topic that I conducted under the category of Hypnosis. But the actual case with hypnosis is that it is misunderstood by most people because people experience 'is usually based on a stage performance or ideas television. Which is completely opposite to what they have known for a very long time. It is very simple and anyone can participate as long as they are willing to. Willingness to undergo hypnotherapy requires two things:
• A clear commitment to stop, to yourself and never to others.
• A clear understanding that you can not be made to do anything you are not willing to do. This realization alone is enough to take the stress out of you. This duo is a proven way to eliminate various patterns of thinking that has long kept you chained to the habit of smoking. They together can unleash the benefits that you have a yearning for so long and tame new feeling is all about satisfaction and confidence that everything that happens in your life is good and you do not need to smoke to live happily.

"Having a Smoke Free Life and Living Longer !!!"
There are some people who have tried almost everything to quit smoking, but almost everything went in vain. This article is an attempt to convince people to stop smoking and go to Hypnotherapy and NLP. There is a very large life remaining for each of you, and you deserve to live a happy healthy. Good Luck!

Jumat, 30 Januari 2015

Steps to Self Hypnosis

A good hypnotherapist can help you to make a permanent and lasting changes in your behavior. S / he also can help you to achieve extraordinary levels of relaxation. However, until the moment you meet one, self-hypnosis is something that you can definitely try it to your advantage.

However, self-hypnosis is easy to learn and gets better with practice. Also as a tool for meditation, is not only easy, but also very effective. This article is to help you to experience what self-hypnosis is all about. Of course there are many ways to experience this and also more targeted techniques and deeper. But this article is enough for you to get a kick start soon.

Remember, exercise is very important and every day, not only will you relax a little faster, but also every time you practice, you'll go just a little deeper into a state of relaxation. The obvious advantage of this practice is the reduction of stress, sleep better and greater concentration. There are many advantages and more uses for self-hypnosis sessions.

Here is how -
Make sure you find a place that is quiet and comfortable and make sure you choose a time that you will not be bothered by anyone during that time. Be sure, telephone and alarm turned off. To practice the meditation and the like, early morning and late evening are the best, but if that is not possible, find a time that suits you the most. Find a comfortable chair or organize your space on the floor or on the bed so that you can remain in this position comfortable for upto an hour without any discomfort. It is highly preferable that you do the entire workout in a sitting position. If you prefer, you can use some soft soothing relaxing music in the background, make sure it is purely instrumental and has no vocals.

Read the steps to self-hypnosis at least three times before you start practicing. You can of course read and rehearse every step, but to complete your session, you will not be able to refer to your notes or this article. Trust your instincts and allow them to guide you - variations that suit you and make the process better for you is fine. What works for you is what is best for you - there is no such thing as the perfect formula for everyone.

Once you sit down, take a few seconds to adjust so that you feel really comfortable and no part of you feel any tension or discomfort.

Close your eyes and mentally, tell yourself that you intend to create deep relaxation sessions.
Take three deep breaths, hold your breath for just a few seconds after you breathe deeply before you breathe out.

Imagine and visualize when you inhale that you take all the positive energy that nature has to offer in the form of white mist - feel this white mist fills your body and help you to relax.

When you breathe out, imagine and visualize that gray fog moving out of your body to the universe taking with it all the stress, all the tension, all the worries, all the irritation, all of your anxiety.

Do this three times, namely for each deep breath.
Starting from your toes, your body begins to relax all the way upto the top of your head. Tell yourself to relax, said that part of your body to relax, do not force yourself to relax, just let it happen by itself.
Focus your attention on each part of the body while you work away from the toes to the top of your head. When you relax the muscles in the head and neck, you might find your head fall forward and resting on your shoulder or chin on your chest. It was fine.

When you are more relaxed every muscle in your body, you are slowly beginning to drop like a limp doll.

Now it's time to deepen your relaxation. Start counting down 10-1 and tell yourself that with each count, you will go twice as far into a state of blissful relaxation.

At first, you now be in a condition that is very relaxed. If you feel a little light headed at this stage, it is quite normal.

Imagine or visualize that there was a door in front of you. Note the colors, textures and materials. Reach out with your hands and turn the knob.

When you open the door, imagine or visualize that you now have to step out into a beautiful garden. Parks exactly as your imagination wants it to be. Flowers, birds, grass, shrubs, trees, fountains or waterfalls - make a note of all - the sights, the sounds, the feel of the grass beneath your feet, etc.

In a magical place in the garden pond. Make yourself believe that you have found it and gently cup your hand to drink from the pool. Taste of pure clear water.

When you stand up again, imagine or visualize luminous white mist that rises from the waters of the swimming pool and a loving embrace and swallow you.
As the fog surrounds you, use positive affirmations to suggest changes or improvements you want in your life.

Now imagine or visualize yourself in a new situation and how you will act now that the behavior and habits have changed.

Now it's time to wake yourself. Start counting up from 1 to 10, tell yourself that with each count, you become more alert, more awake, full of health and vitality and feel fine and really fresh.

Once you reach the count of 10, you can slowly open your eyes, enjoying the feeling for a few seconds and then continue with your day!

Hypnosis for Weight Loss

Hypnosis is a state in the absorption and concentration and it is usually done by a hypnotherapist using mental imagery and verbal repetition. When you put under hypnosis is very focused your attention and as a result you are more responsive to suggestions that include behavioral changes that help you in losing weight. Pro hypnosis One advantage is that it helps you to easily lose weight.

According to experts, this technique will help you lose up to 6 pounds in a month. You should note that although this is the average amount that you can lose in a month, you can lose more if you work hard. This means that you have to concentrate and really follow what your therapist advise you to do. Another advantage of the technique of weight loss is that you can easily find a therapist to help you.

If there are no therapists in your area, you can go online and find one. If you do not have the money to hire a therapist, you do not need to worry because you can do self-hypnosis. Here you just need to read the article or watch a video that will guide you on how to go about the process. Cons techniques The main disadvantage of this technique is that you can not use it as a substitute for diet and exercise.

This means that you can not use the technique on its own. For you to find the results that you need to enter diet and exercise as part of your plan. This means that once you concentrate on the ideal food to take, you should take food for you to witness the results. Tips on how to get the most out of hypnotherapy Communicate: just like everything else, communication is very important in hypnosis.

You should communicate with your therapist about everything in order to clear the air. For example, you need to communicate about a state of trance which is an important part of hypnotherapy. You have to remember that different people experience different trans. For example, some heavy, others light, and others drifted in a state of sleep like. You should communicate with your therapist for him / her to use the right technique that will help you access the trance.

Do your homework: because you will learn, your therapist may ask you to do some homework. PR can include concentrating a few minutes about the food you need to avoid. For you to achieve the exact results you need to do your homework and ask as many questions as possible.

Hypnosis for weight loss is very effective when done under the guidance of a highly trained individual. To find individuals trained and know more about weight loss hypnosis visit the given link.

The Influence of Computers on Health

It is hard to imagine our daily life without a computer - laptop at home, in the office computer. Work and leisure of modern people closely associated with the computer. Many people sit in front of their computers in a position somewhat uncomfortable and unhealthy and negatively affect their work cardiovascular system. It should be mentioned that the long-term sitting in an uncomfortable position can easily lead to circulatory problems and stagnation in the vertebral artery system resulting in:

• increased blood pressure
• headache
• irregular heartbeat due to excessive stimulation of nerves located along the spine
• Memory problems
• an increase in fatigue
• false angina - chest pain caused by prolonged compression of the intercostal nerves.

According to a recent study, people who spend more than 5 hours per day in front of the TV or computer more vulnerable to serious health problems; they are even more likely to die. Those who work at a computer for more than 4 hours a day are 125% more likely to have a major heart disease than those who spent less than 2 hours for this type of work. Other studies have shown that after 1 hour sit production of fat-burning enzymes were reduced by 90%, moreover, extended sitting in front of a computer or in front of the TV slow down your metabolism and affects such things as the level of good cholesterol in the blood (so the fat will accumulate in blood flow). Lack of physical activity is directly related to the 6% of cases of coronary heart disease.

In addition to a comfortable sitting position in front of a computer that has a negative effect on the heart, there is another problem on a computer that still brings a lot of questions - radiation. There are many inaccuracies, confusion and myths about computer radiation. The general consensus among researchers and medical experts is that modern computers are manufactured in compliance with all safety requirements; Therefore, they are not harmful to the individual. But, like other electronic devices, laptops and computers do produce electromagnetic fields (EMF). So, to avoid the effect of EMFs should sit at least 12 inches from the monitor and the computer system unit. The same goes for a laptop, although their names better to keep them out of laps.

Now, we've settled on the influence of computer on health, another question arises - how to reduce the negative impacts?

There are two main rules:

• Change your sitting position as often as possible
• Control your muscle tension

Here are some tips that will help you follow these rules:

• Check your position (how you sit, if you strained your back or shoulders raised, etc.) every 10-15 minutes. Change it, shake hands and arms, shrugged and went back to work.
• Drink plenty of water. This trick will help you make a break and distract you from your computer - go to the water cooler or toilet will make you move more.
• Keep your trash basket away from your desk so you have to stand up when you need it.