Selasa, 10 Maret 2015

Using Makeup - between Appearance and Health

Reading through the vast amount of literature available on makeup, now and again you will find an article denouncing the surface of makeup as bad for your skin. Reasons vary from chemicals to clog pores. While the reason for the "natural" seems plausible, many struggle between ideas of health and what they see in the mirror in the au natural state. f you are one of those who fought between appearance and health, you can relax a little. Using makeup does not have to be a one way path to self-destruction.

The first well-known reasons given for not wearing makeup is that many are loaded with ingredients that are not healthy. Many are, but there are also many that are now made with only safe ingredients. The best of these is that they are not tested on animals. Think about it. If a product being tested on animals, you automatically have a red light. If the ingredients are safe in the first place, no need to torture our neighbors to ensure that it will not harm us. While I strongly support this makeups because of my devotion to issues of animal rights, it only makes sense to use a product that is known to be harmful in the first place. Why would anyone want to take a risk like that? Always use products that do not need testing to determine their safety.

Of course, security products are not the only health problems connected with the people see wearing makeup.

Makeup include skin cells and into the pores making it difficult for the skin to breathe. There is no getting around that one, however, there are times that the actual makeup on your skin layer can have several benefits. If you are going to areas such as large cities where the air is polluted, your skin will get a layer of pollution. You can check out the fact that by washing your skin well before going to the city. As soon as you get home soak a rag with some hydrogen peroxide and wipe face and neck with it. Look at the color of dirt coming from your skin. Dirt no black soot, it is brown. It is a safe bet, however, that the residue on your lap black soot.

Black residue on your lap is soot from the city's air and loaded with toxins. This poison coat and clog your pores like a layer of makeup will do, but not as well-chosen makeup, they can damage the skin and body. While it is your duty to protect your skin from these toxins, is far from a bad idea to protect your skin from them. Putting makeup on the skin layer will provide a layer of protection for your cells and keep toxins out of your pores. Eventually these toxins will leak through, but makeup buy you some time and protection until you can wash them. It is still a good idea to clean your skin and pores thoroughly as soon as possible.

If you go to areas that are not widely contaminated, it is still a good idea to go without makeup and let your skin get some fresh air and sunshine. By that I do not mean you have to slather your skin with sunscreen. Some sunblocks will clog pores as easily as pollution and makeup, but sunblock is not good for your skin at any level whether it just sits on the skin or absorb into it. Many sunblocks have ingredients that are much more dangerous than any material in makeups. Not only do you dowsing your skin with carcinogenic toxins when you use them, you also inhibit your body's ability to produce vitamin D. This vitamin is important not only for the health of the skin, but the lack of it has been found to be the culprit in the development of eleven different cancers and other diseases overpass and disease. Sunblock also go the extra step to inhibit the body's natural production of melatonin, which can lead to a new array of health nightmare for you. So what do you do if your skin is sensitive to burning?

Take a good makeup base with you when you go out. For use in outdoor recreation you will want to choose a foundation that has zinc oxide in it. If you can not find one, you can make your own sun block to mix your foundation with zinc oxide. Make your own sunblock in this method will allow you to avoid damage from the sun without the clown face painted that zinc oxide itself can produce. That's probably not the look you want to achieve on the date to go hiking.

Let your skin get some sunshine so that your body can produce vitamin D and melatonin. You'll want at least a half hour of natural sunlight before you put anything on it to protect it from burning. Give your skin a lot of time to breath naturally as possible before applying the foundation for it but never let your skin burn. Combustion causes great damage to the skin no matter what you do or do not do to protect it. Make sure you put a good coat of foundation on each affected skin areas and the possibility to burn. If you find that the foundation that you are using is not working properly, you may want to look for others who do a better job for you.

There are times that it's better to go without makeup and let your skin breath naturally. Even world-class model did not "paint up" on a full-time schedule. Sometimes only a layer of mascara can enhance your appearance enough that you can feel comfortable not wearing a coat foundation for just a quick trip out of the house or visit with friends. A quick analysis of the environment you are going to will give you an idea of ​​whether it's better to go natural or with a layer of makeup on your face. It is a wise idea to spend some time every day without, but if you have chosen your product well and diligently clean them and give your skin time to breathe there is no reason why you can not "paint the barn if it needs painting".

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