Jumat, 20 Maret 2015

Personal Training Programs

Our health is something we have ignored from a long time. Since the Industrial Revolution and the mechanization of the work we have become increasingly sedentary in our lifestyle. Some even say that the advent of computers and the explosion of mobile phones, which allows us to stay connected to work 24/7, is the last nail in the coffin of life of our health.

But it is not so. Even with the discovery and technological innovation, people should remember that it is still possible to stay healthy, although the pace of work can make people forget sometimes though.

Fatigue from overwork also resulted in people who started sleeping on the job. In some places in the world people are actually encouraged to do so for a while, so as to regain their productivity. Customs such as "Inemuri", or "sleep while this", actually so unusual that someone would not reprimand, but in fact praised, because the implication is that the people who have worked so hard to sleep that they could not get back to sleep at home. This habit also has an equivalent called "mittagsschlaf", or literally, "noon to sleep", indicates that it is not limited to a single geographic location or a particular culture, but in fact is a universal problem.

People who work sitting in front of computers suffer from problems such as Computer Vision Syndrome, which affects vision, among a number of other issues such as e-thrombosis, which can arise from sitting in one place for too long. Other health problems can arise from moving between different offices, which have different temperatures. This problem is even more pronounced in tropical countries where people can work in an air-conditioned environment cold for hours, and then go out for lunch where they will start sweating in the sun, and then immediately went back office.

To overcome these problems, many companies have taken to hire a personal trainer to help their employees. The reason being is that if they can improve the health of their employees they can then increase the output and also the quality of work as well, reducing absenteeism and reduce stress and anxiety in the workplace.

Though a personal trainer can be expensive, finally waking up to the fact that the employer of an employee sleeping at work does not mean he is working very hard, but he ignores the basic and vital functions that rob energy, concentration and alertness necessary trait for any company to function properly.

It has now become popular for employers to have a personal trainer to come to work and have employees doing some exercise during the lunch break to help them improve their health. Health and fitness studios are now being formed to have an attractive package for corporate offices that employers can take advantage of. And because the growing number of corporate offices there are a number of health professionals who offer personal training programs like.

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